On my way to work, for what seemed like a month, I passed this big-ass white tent and a billboard with a horse on it that simply said, “Cavalia Odysseo.” Finally, my curiosity got the better of me. I looked into this circus-esque show featuring horses, acrobats, music, and special effects, and I was hooked. I had to see it for myself.
Fast forward a few weeks, when my friend and I ditched our bearded better-halves (who both inexplicably hate horses) to check out the show. As in the beginning to any great adventure, I was dropped off at a Waffle House, then made the pilgrimage down the long dirt path to meet my friend at the Big Top. We made our way to our seats, where I couldn’t help but notice the interesting mix of dress in the crowd: casual street clothes, suit and top hat, overalls, fancy dresses, and lots of cowboy boots and hats. It was clear, in this melange of genteel patrons of the arts and country bumpkins, that the horse circus transcends class and social norms.
The show began with trivia questions about horse breeds and such, and we applauded audience members on their equine knowledge. While the horses were meant to be kissing, a couple were nipping and kicking at each other, which immediately made me nervous. I quickly assessed how fast I could run from the crowd if a horse decided to jump the low barrier. But the few temperamental horses, and those who suddenly decided they were too independent for tricks, just enhanced the enjoyment. It reminds you that these trainers and riders are working with powerful beasts with minds of their own, and they do incredible things together.
A woman commanded ten horses with verbal cues. A trick rider crawled underneath and around the horse mid-gallop. Riders wearing beautiful flowing capes stood together on two running horses. You might presume the horses would steal the show, but some of my favorite moments were just watching the supremely talented acrobats and dancers.
The special effects took us to different landscapes, which, along with costume changes, suddenly feel like you’re watching an interpretive narrative on the relationship between humans and horses through time. Sometimes the settings seemed so magical that it was like watching Tolkien elves in a dream sequence. Near the end of the show, they filled the large sand stage with water and I stupidly asked my friend, “Is that real?” – in my defense, the special effects were impressive and I had just finished a large Yuengling on an empty stomach. Also, how the hell are they going to drain that thing for the next show? But I digress. By the end, even the grumpy grandpa next to me was smiling and cheering.
Do I think it’s the best show ever as Odysseo so boldly claims? No, but it was fun and a pretty damn good way to spend a few hours.
Rubber Rooster covers the broad, daunting topic of ‘general history’ for the SoBros Network. Follow her on Twitter @SoBroRooster
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