Truth be told, I’ve lived in Nashville my entire life, and I’ve never stepped foot on Clarksville soil. Driven through it on I-24 en route to St. Louis several times, but I’ve never stopped to actually see the city. Well, apparently, there’s some news coming out of Clarksville this morning. Something about how the city is growing and changing just like everything else in middle Tennessee, but that’s not as important.
You can head over to WKRN for all that actual news bullshit:
The city of Clarksville in Montgomery County has grown to roughly 150,000 people.
Some recent milestones are the opening of the new Hankook tire plant last month, two new fire stations and a new police precinct.
Mayor Kim McMillan told News 2 keeping pace with the new growth may be the city’s biggest challenge.
“What we do is provide the services that service the growing population, with that comes the responsibility to make sure you are doing everything you can from building additional schools to building all of your public safety infrastructure,” said McMillan.
Blah, blah, 150,000 people. Blah, blah new tire plant. That’s all well and good, or it’s not. I don’t know – wasn’t really paying attention.
I saw that photo of the fabulous building and lost all concentration. As a journalist, I have a keen eye for the ‘story beneath the story,’ as we say in the industry. Real nuggets of truth hidden in plain sight. For instance, amidst this boring story about a small town growing, I’ve identified something the typical muggle might not notice.
The architecture of that building looks awfully similar to the style of Hogwarts. Hogwarts, of course, is the school that young wizards go to somewhere in England. I’m beginning to think that Clarksville may somehow be involved in such magic. Folks, we may indeed have wizards among us in Tennessee. Which is fine – it’s 2017. Be yourself. But, at least let us see some of your magic. That’s all I’m asking of the hidden wizards of Clarksville.
Does anyone know what this building is? Has anyone experienced any phenomenon remotely resembling ‘sorcery’ or ‘wizardry’ in this place? Please send any tips you may have to We will track down Harry Potter together, folks….because journalism.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley, @WrestlingNewsCo
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