All of this talk of ‘New Nashville’ vs. ‘Old Nashville’ has me thinking. It’s undeniable that there is some sort of changing of the guard, so to speak. I’m 31 years old (I know – one foot in the grave, right?), and I can remember a time when going downtown wasn’t fun, but was pretty boring. In some spots, it was actually dangerous. Country music is about all this city was known for for a while there.
But, thankfully, the revitalization of downtown Nashville, something that has taken 20 years or longer to accomplish, has led to us becoming the bachelorette party capital of the nation. Yes, folks. That’s what all of this has been building towards for so long.
So, now we’ve had this influx of youth from all over the country. People are moving here every day at an exponential rate. Some are happy to see it. Some aren’t. But, this doesn’t have to be an adversarial relationship.
I think it’s wrong to frame this conversation in that manner. There’s a much more accurate way to provide context for what this debate is really about, and we need look no further than two of of this city’s greatest products: Taylor Swift and Kesha.
Yes, perhaps the two greatest entertainers to ever make their names in Music City. These two iconic women may be able to tell us more about our city’s personality than anything else.
And, I should reiterate, as the responsible journalist that I am, that this is not an adversarial relationship. This is not Team Taylor versus Team Kesha. This is simply an observation of the two types of Nashvillians I have encountered in my 31 years as a native.
No, you don’t not choose which team you’re on. This is something you are born into and, up until the publishing of this article, had no idea was even within you. Also, you don’t have to be a fan of either woman to be on one of their teams. You can be Team Tay Tay without even knowing she exists.
See what I’m trying to say here? Okay, good. So, let’s get on with it.
What does it mean to be Team Tay Tay?
You are classic Nashville. Probably even grew up listening to country music and being a happy little Nashvillian. You care deeply about the community, and you’ve also got a really nice soul in general. You may be a fan of tradition, maybe even to the point that you’re unhappy with all of the growth in the city. But, you’re respectful of others regardless of your feelings.
You value class, and enjoy the proper order of things, therefore, you don’t embrace the underbelly of debauchery in Nashville.
Nashville will always be Nashville, and to you, these new citizens will never understand the true spirit of the city. But, that’s okay – you’ll encounter other natives and you’ll wink and nod at them because only the folks who grew up with this transformation of the city can understand.
You’re fun, but it’s a very responsible type of fun. You won’t be found out too late on Broadway, but are more than willing to have a few downtown on a Saturday night. The allure of the city lights haven’t consumed you just yet.
You also evolve over time. ‘New Nashville’ is here, but instead of moping about it, you’re out there helping to make it a better place. You may talk about the good ol’ days, but you’re just happy everyone’s happy. You are the conscience of Nashville.
What does it mean to be Team Kesha and/or Team Ke$ha?
Team Kesha doesn’t just embrace the underbelly of debauchery in Nashville. It is the underbelly of debauchery in Nashville. But, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be taken seriously. In fact, you’re one of the people out there hustling to make it better.
Just because you love to get down doesn’t mean you aren’t a productive member of the community. You may nearly burn Midtown to the ground on Saturday night, but come Monday morning, you’re back in the office. You exude culture and individuality.
You’re happy to see the city grow and flourish. The more, the merrier. That said, you can relate to the Team Taylor members because you can remember what Nashville was like before this boom. Or, you can remember moving here from a town that isn’t as cool as Nashville.
Hard work is in your DNA, and ‘work hard, play harder’ is your ethos. You are the heart of Nashville.
Greater Learnings
The biggest takeaway from this discussion is that ‘old Nashville’ and ‘new Nashville’ shouldn’t be an adversarial relationship. Instead, let’s all get along, and show the rest of the country just why so many fucking people are moving here. The city is electric and the people are nice and fun.
Also, being self-aware is one of the greatest mental health tips I can offer as a trained professional blogger. Take time to understand why something bothers you, whether it’s reasonable for something to bother you, and what you can do to alleviate your frustrations.
Together, we can continue to shape our city in the right mold, and yes, just to be clear, we should model our entire city’s culture off of Taylor Swift and Kesha.
As for where we stand, I can tell you right now that this website is incredibly Team Kesha, whether all of our writers know it or not. We love our fun – it’s what we’re best known for, but man…when we get serious about a story or topic, our writers can put out actual journalism that rivals any site on the webz. We can put out a “Tik Tok” piece that people will enjoy and tap their toes to, but we can also put out some real quality “Praying” type pieces. Yes, we are the full Kesha spectrum – “Tik Tok” to “Praying.”
And, finally, if anyone gets mad about this article, I will laugh at you. I totally pulled this bullshit out of my ass. Long live Nashville.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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