The Riots in Philadelphia Last Night Definitely Overdelivered

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Folks, we knew it was going to happen whether the Philadelphia Eagles won or lost Super Bowl LII, but, boy did the people of Philly rise up to the challenge or what?

The Eagles defeated the New England Patriots 41-33 to win their first Super Bowl championship. Pure elation in the City of Brotherly Love, and we know how its citizens prefer to respond. But, after what we saw after they won the NFC Championship, we all thought it would be hard to top, and Philly did just that.

They have somehow overdelivered. Let’s hit some of the highlights:

This guy doing the Superfly Jimmy Snuka off of a damn light post. I don’t understand the infatuation with light posts. But, when you factor in that cops were greasing ’em up with MOTOR OIL yesterday, you have to admire the determination. Even if this guy has two broken legs now.

YEAH! WE JUST WON THE SUPER BOWL! LET’S RAID THE 7-11!! Or is it Wawa? I can never remember.

Hope you didn’t have your car parked….like….anywhere in town last night. I would’ve wondered whether or not this was a consenting person saying, “yes, sure – tip my car over. This is an appropriate way to celebrate our football team winning a championship,” but I think we all know the answer to that question.

Yeah! And, SPECIFICALLY fuck Macy’s!

This actually seems rather tame and gentle compared to everything else.

This kid’s life had to flash before his eyes.

THERE IT IS! We’ve got a literal fire on our hands! Hell yes! Now, it’s a party. Now, we can call these legitimate riots.

Okay, I’m going to level with you guys. I couldn’t watch that. Don’t have the stomach for it. But, social media is BLOWING UP about this dude eating horse shit, so I figured it’s what the people wanted to see.

Yeah, I don’t know what this guy was looking at, but I didn’t see his body slow down at all. Like, he ate concrete.

I also saw videos of a bunch of naked women roaming the streets completely nude and/or in eagle masks. But, shit – y’all…even we have to draw the line somewhere.


Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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