How to Write an Essay in a Winning Way (Sponsored Content)

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Best Guidelines on How to Write an Essay in a Winning Way

Do you think that you have no chances to write a winning essay? Don’t start panicking immediately after getting a task to develop an academic paper. There is nothing difficult in writing college essays if you are aware of helpful tips and tricks. In order to achieve the goal, you should be persistent and hard-working. Don’t believe if someone starts ensuring that an hour is enough for writing a top quality essay. However, following the useful recommendations, you can pass with flying colors much faster.

Essays fall in the group of the most frequently assigned tasks. They give the opportunity to check out how students have learnt the material. There is no such a student who has never written essays while some prefer to buy cheap essay instead of hitting the books. If you like challenges and plan to take efforts and write the essay paper without assistance, don’t hesitate to use the tips you will find below.

  • Make it simple but not banal: It is preferable not to write too long sentences as the reader may lose your thought. It is better to write the short sentence, then the longer one, then again the short one or write two short or two long sentences, then one with the opposite length. Express your ideas clearly choosing the words and phrases carefully.
  • Use the gained knowledge and creative thinking: The teacher expects to see what skills you have acquired during the course. Demonstrate your ability to use not only the knowledge that was provided during your lessons but the ability to use your own analytical mind.
  • Remember that a good essay consists of two major parts: When writing an essay, you should always keep in mind that a high-quality work is the one that consists of the proper material, which you have used for the research, your own findings and main points, each of which must be well-grounded.
  • Get acquainted with the works of scientists in the same subject field: It is better not to base your paper on one source of information. Read at least three articles on the chosen topic to have an idea what you should write about. Compare the sources of information making sure that they can be trusted, especially if your work should contain some facts, statistics, an evidence of certain points.
  • Study the essay structure example before you get started: It doesn’t matter which topic you will choose for the work, it will contain the same major parts like other academic papers.  First, there must be an opening sentence able to help the reader plunge into the topic idea. Then develop the main part, where you should explain the reader which is your position. Working on the main part, follow the principle: one paragraph- one idea. The last part should be about the relevance of the applied research methods and the evaluation of the achieved goals.
  • Remember about the citation rules, otherwise, the teacher may tell you that you have copied the text somewhere. Write from the scratch to avoid any problems with the plagiarism not only because you risk getting the lower grade but because you risk losing the trust of your teacher. You should check out the paper for plagiarism using the special programs even if you wrote it with your own words as after reading several books and magazine articles a person start thinking that these were his own thoughts and steals some phrases unintentionally.
  • Be creative proving you aren’t like others. Only being original you will get a praise.
  • Use the non-standard approach considering the topic from the different angle.
  • Make sure you have grasped the reader’s attention. If not, you should add some interesting details, which will make it impossible to pass by your work.

Write the Checklist for Your Essay Paper

The checklist is helpful to make sure that you have achieved all goals you have set initially. Think of the major questions that may influence the essay quality and write them down. You may use a draft and answer the questions. There is a list of most important questions each essay writer should ask himself after writing the paper.

  • Did you understand the topic in the correct way?
  • Have you developed an argument?
  • Is the plan for writing the work prepared in accordance with the stages of the argument?
  • Have you carefully read the literature on the topic?
  • Do you formulate one clear main question in each paragraph?
  • Are the paragraphs written in the logical sequence?
  • Are you using evidence effectively?
  • Are you making references to the sources correctly?
  • Is your conclusion concise and relevant?
  • Do you indicate the scope of the work?
  • Have you re-read your essay?
  • Is it checked by you well?
  • Does the essay answer the questions you set in the beginning?
  • Have you checked the stylistics of the work and made any changes?
  • Is the bibliography properly compiled?

If you have answered honestly, you have great chances to improve your paper so that it sounds better than you expected.

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