In case you missed it earlier today, former Tennessee AD John Currie called the entire Vols fan base ‘wacko,’ and enlisted the help of Dan Wolken of USA Today to try and convince Vols fans that Greg Schiano was the hire to make last November. Well, a lot of media outlets requested Currie’s phone records, and for some unknown reason, we’ve ended up with a copy of them.
I’m going to be honest with you guys. I don’t know how we ended up with a copy of John Currie’s text records. Nor do I know why we ended up with John Currie’s text records. And, I don’t want to know how we got here. I have a source who has a source who has a source who has a source who has a source kind of deal.
All I know is that there is someone out there in the SoBros Universe who cares deeply about the work that we do. Or, it’s someone who really wants to see the name of John Currie shit on for a good 300-500 words. So, here we sit. Jaws dropped…reading through some of the messages that inundated former Vols athletic director John Currie.
People already know the overview by now. But, someone got a hold of Currie’s phone number and put it on Twitter last November. And those “wacko” Vols fans took to the streets for Currie’s blood. Some of these messages are pure gold. So, we’re just going to hit some of the best texts the fans sent in.
Whew – a lot to digest in this first screen shot. I like the first guy – straight and to the point. “DONT FUCKING DO IT!” – well, sir or ma’am, Currie did not listen to your discretion. I also like the vague creepy threat in there, too – ‘if you hire Schiano….’ with nothing following it. I am kind of surprised Currie isn’t dead and we’re only like five messages in. Lastly, I want to mention this guy who asks whether or not it’s John….but then proceeds to deliver his message anyway. Also, *lose.
Wait, what?!? Don’t NOT hire Schiano? So wait – is this a message supporting Currie?
Yeah, those Vols fans really are wacko, huh, John? All of ’em…not a single one….no one can articulate their point well, am I right?!?!
^That was sarcasm. This was totally a well articulated comment.
What the hell is a ‘child rapist viewer?’ Also, my God, could you imagine if Tennessee had hired Les Miles!?!?! Les Miles should be in the SEC somewhere. Now, I’m sad that he’s not.
There’s absolutely nothing I can say to that first message. It just made me laugh.
As for the second one, I love how defeated this Vols fan sounds. Like, “yeah we suck – but at least hire someone who didn’t enable a child rapist.” You’ve hit rock bottom as a fan base when this is your plea to the AD.
There’s one number here that literally bombarded Currie’s phone with this message. Just over and over and over and over.
Look at this clever Vols fan trying to trick Currie into thinking Schiano was backing out! But, hey – there’s our boy we just mentioned above – Please don’t hire Schiano!
I love all of these people who asked if it was him first. Like, they were polite and didn’t want to say something hurtful to an innocent person. I would also like to note that I’m like nine pages down at this point an “Please don’t hire Schiano” guy is still going strong.
Ever the opportunist, someone out there was sending in recruiting stats!
This isn’t even hateful. This just feels like good, solid life advice. I don’t think I’d even be mad about it.
GRUMORS! Vols fans are basically burning the village to the ground around Currie, but at least one person out there is still holding out hope for Jon Gruden! Didn’t even ask for an answer! A simple ‘like’ would’ve sufficed.
Again with the politeness, but this guy’s going to kick the damn door down regardless. I also like that he’s insinuating Currie’s just joking around.
This is great. Is that the official mascot of Kansas State? Are they the Kansas State Fucking Idiots?
Oh shit. You know it’s serious business when someone drops your full first name on you.
Now…..does he mean he’s going to shit in Currie’s car? Or, like….does Currie drive in a car seat like a baby?
Damn….sick burn, man. That cuts deeper than any profanity-laden rant ever could. Just hit him with the cold hard truth.
Wow. This guy’s just dead inside.
Real talk – I would’ve LOVED for UT to come out and announce that they were hiring John Currie’s dog as the next head coach of the Vols.
OH NO! I did not know that if you hired Greg Schiano he would come back and haunt you after his death!
This is my favorite one by far. This person just channeling their inner Ricky Bobby – “If you don’t chew Big Red, then FUCK YOU!” I also think it’s much funnier that everyone else is texting ‘Schiano’ but this guy calls him ‘Greg.’
There’s so much meat in these documents that I can’t realistically list ’em all. I know Poppa Bear is digging into it as well, and maybe I’ll update it later this week. For now, I’m just thankful we’ve gotten to read what we have. Good lookin’ out, SoBros guardian angel…whoever you are.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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