Pacman Jones Is in Midseason Form, Fighting in an Airport!

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Pacman Jones – what a guy. All the trouble that dude got in as a Titan, and damn – I can’t believe this guy is still playing in the NFL. Well he’s technically a free agent, but he’s actually had a pretty damn good career. 11 years and the dude has been an All Pro – would’ve played 13 years if he didn’t miss two for off the field troubles. Well, he was back in the news yesterday for getting into a fight in the Atlanta airport:

It’s a funny headline, but let’s be fair to Jones here. He’s not really instigating this situation – the comments on this tweet (always a reliable, credible source of news) tell a story of this gentleman wanting a photo with Pacman and Pacman refusing. Supposedly, that’s what caused this whole thing. But, you can’t blame Jones for putting up his dukes when the guy pushes him and (presumably) his girlfriend. The gloves are off that instant, buddy – and that kind of shit is way out of line. So, if that’s the narrative, then hell yeah, Jones had a right to square up.

But, as for breaking down the fight itself…I mean, come on, regular Joe airport worker. Did you not know how elusive this guy is? Haven’t you watched any of his tape? You blinked, and you were on your ass while Jones is throwing punches behind you.

I tell you what, Jones let this thing go until he was pushed into the wall, but I would’ve started swinging as soon as that guy knocked my Popeye’s out of my hands. That’s inexcusable, and you will get these hands if you come between me and my chicken.

And, I’ve been talking about getting my fanny pack game going because I hate things in my pockets with a passion. Well, it looks like Jones is on that bandwagon, and I’m happy to have an ally in my quest to bring the fanny pack back. Also, if you get your ass whooped by a dude wearing a fanny pack, 100% you can never show your face in that airport again.

But, perhaps my favorite thing in this video is the people in the back yelling, “ADAM JONES!!!” Where was this kind of support during his run with TNA wrestling?

I’m not gonna lie – I miss this guy in Nashville. Oh, the stories we could write if Pacman Jones was around during the height of the SoBros Network.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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