We’ve long been active reporters on the animal kingdom’s plight to take back the world from the humans. But, we honestly haven’t seen much action on that front here in Tennessee. Well, that is until recently. It seems the animal kingdom and whoever is controlling it has employed native Tennesseans, the black bears, to do their bidding.
They are inching closer and closer to the state’s capitol. Most recently, showing up in Smith County.
A black bear has been spotted several times near Cordell Hull Lake in Smith County.
Resident Kayla Smith recently snapped a picture of the bear on Lakeside Drive in Defeated, Tenn., about 65 miles from Nashville.
Lt. Scott Moore of the Wilson County Sheriff’s Department told News 2 he also saw the bear in the same spot Monday morning.
What reason would a black bear have to show up just 65 miles from Nashville other than they are preparing to overthrow the Tennessee government and reclaim the land for themselves?
I can’t really blame them. Have you seen what Nashville is becoming? Luke Bryan is opening a bar on Broadway. The city is going to become nothing but a playground for the rich before long. If I were a black bear, I’d be insulted, too.
I would want this land to return to how it was when my kind ruled it thousands of years ago, or however long it’s been since black bears ruled Tennessee. I don’t know.
Barry Cross with the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency reminds people if they see a black bear they should leave it alone.
“In this day and time everybody wants a selfie,” he said. “Don’t approach a bear. Bears are there, they’re doing their thing. Leave them alone and observe them from a distance. It’s like any other wild animal. If you leave food out, they’re going to find it. So if you have pets, if you have trash, make sure it’s secured. Make sure pet food is taken up, make sure your trash cans are well-secured because if an animal like this were to find food, he will come back.”
I don’t want a selfie with a bear. Who wants a selfie with a bear? Is that what common sense has devolved to in 2018?
We have authority figures that actually have to tell people to not approach wild animals.
But, listen people – if we value our lives and our constructs of society, we have to make it as difficult as possible for the black bears to take over. Don’t lure them in with pet food. Don’t give them a reason to come to your house at all. If they’re in Smith County on a mission, don’t give them the food to sustain themselves on their quests. Don’t be an aid to their cause.
A black bear was also spotted in Cookeville last month. It’s unknown if it would be the same bear, but the TWRA said the bear likely wandered westward from the Big South Fork National Recreational River and recreational area. The TWRA said males are kicked out of their dens when they reach a certain age. They then go and find a new home and start a family.
If it’s the same bear, then this is the Jason Bourne of bears.
Is it bad that I actually kind of hope it’s the Jason Bourne of bears?
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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