#VicksFlicks Terse Twitter Reviews – Vol. 23

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3.5 out of 5 stars

An extravagant, gratifying rom-com that’s rich in so many ways, yet none more so than in its long-lasting traditions & colorful culture. Director Chu doesn’t change the formula & there’s no need. He’s presenting this fantastical story from an entirely exceptional viewpoint, carried by an overflow of glitz & glamour w/ a marvelous cast that’s simply irresistible.


2 out of 5 stars

Egerton & Elgort are young terrific talents, but their bromance based on perception & greed goes broke in Cox’s colorless ponzi scheme true story. As the movie tries to allure & build suspense off of privileged kids being hustlers who think they’re big shots, it’s clear the entire narrative is on borrowed time. What’s left is a wimpier Wolf of Wall Street.


3 out of 5 stars

Director Runge tells a story about the expectations & limitations of the role a woman is suppose to play. While it is inarguably about ownership of one’s life, there’s nothing really too special in its storytelling, but there is in the casting. Pryce is fantastic as the husband & author who owes his wife everything, & when him & Close clash, it’s electric. In the end, this is a stellar showcase for Close, her delicate yet commanding performance is the strength this film needs & is counting on.

Image result for three identical strangers movie


4 out of 5 stars

A mind-blowing doc about the significance of nature, & the unbelievably loving way parenting can alter a life. Director Wardle shapes an astonishing, unsettling true story that is part discovery & part detective mystery about triplets being separated at birth, only to be reunited by fate 20 years later. The less you know the better, but brace yourself to be stunned, furious, & left questioning humanity’s empathy for the innocent.


2.5 out of 5 stars

Director Weitz’s historical thriller about bringing justice to one of the monsters responsible for the horrors of the Holocaust is impactful while not quite involving.The high stakes are known, yet they are rarely felt on screen. Plus, being slim on suspense doesn’t help. But, Isaac & Kingsley are stellar, their verbal jousting & mind games is where the real action is.


3.5 out of 5 stars

Hawke’s sublime biopic of the uncredited Foley avoids going down the straight and narrow, & that’s how it should be. The director’s passion is at the forefront of putting the spotlight on a forgotten, bullheaded legend, letting the music from Foley’s soul haunt you from scene to scene. Shankar is terrific as Foley’s love & biggest regret, & Dickey is dynamite as the troubled Texas troubadour who stood for his art, yet fell to his demons.


3 out of 5 stars

A sensational cast, lead by Moretz w/ a performance spinning in quiet turmoil, star in this complicated story of adolescent kids being barged in on by brainwashing to deny them of living their own truth at all costs. Director Akhavan shows empathy for all involved, but there’s definitely a lack of  power in her storytelling of such timely issues involving sexuality & the judgment that awaits. The drama & emotion is just a whisper of a message that needs to be shouted.

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4.5 out of 5 stars

Director Chaganty cleverly keeps you guessing as he wires together all of the instruments of today’s digital age w/ a spectacular mystery thriller that glues you to the edge of your seat. Cho is fantastic as a father looking for his daughter as he cracks open a life he never asked about. The movie is an emotionally gripping & riveting roller coaster ride that raises questions about the world we live in, the hopes of a real connection, & what a parent is willing to do for their child.


2 out of 5 stars

Director Black knows he needs a huge supply of action & violence to unload, & he does w/ some jokes thrown in. Yet, this Predator can’t get a rise out of anyone b/c it’s too bland & senseless. Bringing this franchise back for this sadly only helps it become a bigger fiasco than before.


3 out of 5 stars

This true prison breakout adventure is a remake that has moments of nervousness & a strong leading man in Hunnam. His performance is terrific, physically & psychologically draining. But, director Noer leaves too much time between the pulse-pounding escapes to keep it enthralling & emotional. The movie feels a tad empty & less potent for such an inhuman journey.


4.5 out of 5 stars

Director Spike Lee is back & he’s not returning quietly. With his best film in decades, his direction & message has a voice that’s furious, funny, provocative, & profoundly powerful. Washington is spectacular as the first black cop in Colorado Springs PD who infiltrates the white supremacist group to expose the toxicity & hate that spews from their souls. It’s a stirring true story of racism & prejudice that’s rooted in to America & rots it to its core. Lee internally & visually strikes a chord w/ impassioned dialogue & incredible imagery concerning our society & how little we’ve seemed to learn.

Image result for white boy rick movie scenes


3 out of 5 stars

There’s no doubt there are some missed opportunities in director Demange’s true tale of a young man who worked for the feds before turning in to one of the kingpins he helped take down. The true misfire is how ineffective the story is shaped, shaking off any swagger it had at the beginning & becoming way less gangster in the process. But through it all, McConaughey & newcomer Merritt as father/son is the real deal. They are spectacular at being decent guys doing bad things to have a life they can be proud of.


2.5 out of 5 stars

A so-so story about sisterhood that takes place in a Hooters-like bar where the women start taking a stand. Director Bujalski shows sympathy toward the girls & tosses out relevant themes that represent a working-class woman; but, those themes just don’t stick like they should. This workplace comedy is not that funny w/ the dramatic parts not seeming that serious. Still, Hall’s solid performance as a caring GM & mother to her employees & customers holds as much together for as long as possible.


2 out of 5 stars

It’s a shame this movie w/ a message about having the courage to live your dream when everyone is else rooting against you is so subdued & boring. Director Coixet sets the tone & mood, & Mortimer & Nighy are a delight to watch. However, no amount of charm can overcome its laggard pace & the ineffectiveness to strum up anything worthy of our attention.

“Nature Boy” Brandon Vick is the resident film critic of the SoBros Network, and star of Brandon’s Box Office In Your Mouth. Follow him on Twitter@SirBrandonV and be sure to search #VicksFlicks for all of his latest movie reviews.

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