Welp here we are – the day before Thanksgiving. Hopefully, you’re all getting some time to unwind and reflect upon that which you are thankful for. Most likely, you’re out running your last minute errands. Some of you are probably reading this while taking a break from the kitchen. It’s a stressful day for a lot of folks. Or, it’s a big time party day for you. Furthermore, if you’re like Dick Flamingo, you’re getting ready for one of the most underrated sex holidays out there.
Regardless, I think it’s time we stop and recognize one of the greatest moments in Thanksgiving history.
Honestly, I don’t even remember if this actually happened around Thanksgiving or not. It’s Jimmy Fallon. Don’t act like it would be uncharacteristic for a guy in a turkey suit to show up in June on that show.
There are three things that I absolutely love about this bit, though.
1. Full fuckin’ theatrics – They didn’t pull any punches, did they? No, this was like a full-scale WWE entrance, complete with fog and everything. So out of context that I was rolling the whole time when I first saw this.
2. Undertaker selling the wildness of the turkey – That shit cracked me up. The turkey flailing its arms around all crazy, but ‘Taker actually selling it. Pretty rare to see him act out of character, even in a skit like this, but that was hilarious. Just a subtle moment that really tied the whole thing together.
3. It was just a damn good Tombstone – Credit where credit’s due. I would assume they got an actual worker in that turkey suit, but you never know. It’s television. But, it doesn’t matter if it’s Kane or a dude in a damn turkey suit, ‘Taker’s going to deliver. *applause*
If anyone has any further information on this clip, please DM me on Twitter so that I can go on living my life and stop wondering about the mystery of this sketch.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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