Can Haley Name 10 Wrestlers?

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Last week, I made a joke on Twitter about my wife, Haley, not being able to name 10 wrestlers. Full transparency, she’s not a big wrestling fan. She enjoys going to SUP and had a blast at SCI last year but that’s about it.

So, while watching the most recent Black Label Pro show, she walks by the television. then stops and says in succession “Hi Lane! Oh hey look it’s JRose! Is that Papa Hales?”

This had me curious.

Does she, in fact, know more faces from outside the ring than in? So I put her to the test. In a reasonable amount of time (roughly two minutes or so), could Haley name any 10 professional wrestlers? The answers were shocking!

She ended up with 23 names:

  1. AJ Styles 
  2. Roman Reigns 
  3. Ronda Rousey
  4. Alexa Bliss
  5. Brett Ison
  6. O’Shay Edwards 
  7. John Cena
  8. Cody 
  9. Kenny Omega
  10. Marty Scurll 
  11. Becky Lynch
  12. Charlotte 
  13. Joey Lynch
  14. Allie Kat
  15. Mance Warner
  16. Curt Stallion
  17. Shinsuke Nakamura
  18. Finn Balor
  19. Seth Rollins 
  20. Ric Flair 
  21. Dusty Rhodes 
  22. Mr. Brickster 
  23. Stone Cold Steve Austin 

What a list. I mean… I was so interested in this group that I had to ask what came to mind for each answer. Some word association if you will. She gave me GOLD.

AJ- ‘Fuck that guy’ 

She really doesn’t care for The Phenomenal One. I think it really comes down to her hating his hair. She has told me multiple times he just looks like an ‘asshat’ 

Roman-‘He’s pretty and everyone seems to hate him.’

Kind of nailed it right? 

Ronda-‘Shrugs her shoulders’

She knows Ronda more from her fighting days so this is very telling. We both were and are still huge fans of her from an MMA stand point. She hasn’t cared for Ronda’s WWE run. 

Alexa- ‘You know why.’

O’Shay-‘He’s just great.’ 

Brett Ison-‘He really is like a pitbull.’

So proud that she named these two back to back. Goes to show you how their match and story as a whole has resonated.

Cena-‘I think of Trainwreck and Total Divas.’

This one hurt a little. We will be watching Cena’s 05-06 run ASAP. 

Cody-‘That fucking hair…oh and Brandi’ 

Kenny Omega-‘He’s the best in the world.’

This answer shocked me. I went on the find out she thinks this because of the IWGP US Championship tournament. 

Marty- ‘He’s dreamy.’ 

Fact: She has multiple Marty Scurll wrestling shirts. I now know why. 

Becky- ‘My gurl’ 

Charlotte- ‘Those legs’ 

Joey Lynch-‘First wrestling crush’

Allie Kat-‘MEOW’

Like the rest of us she’s high on the Body Kat

Mance- ‘He pulled a knife.’ 

Again, she nailed it hahahahaha

Curt- ‘Texas tough’ 

Shinsuke- ‘I have no idea’ 

Finn- ‘Abs’ 

She associated these two together without thinking about it. How about that? 

Seth-‘He’s so good looking.’

She seems to have a thing for long haired, bearded dudes that can fly. I may have to bust out a moonsault to prove my worth. 

Ric Flair- ‘Robes’ 

Very proud of her. 

Dusty-‘Cody’s Dad’ 

I have so much to show her.

Brick-‘I bet he would be the best boss.’ 

Is there a better compliment on the planet? 

Stone Cold-‘That obstacle course show on CMT.’

Well, goddamn. I never thought about it, but I bet this is how everyone outside of wrestling fans think of him.

I can’t tell y’all how much fun this was for us. I ask Haley what she thinks on this or that, to see the casual perspective from time to time, but hearing her cut loose like this was a blast. I’ve already got her thinking about her ‘Favorite Matches of All Time’ though Kenny Omega may be in all of them.

John Mosley is the independent wrestling and TV aficionado of the SoBros Network. He graduated from ETSU with a degree in Radio, TV and Film along with a minor in Film Studies. Since graduating he’s done pretty much nothing but watch, film, edit or commentate for local wrestling promotions and is the current color commentator for Resolute Wrestling. #Preds #Titans #DefendOrVacateConor Follow on Twitter: @SoBroMose.

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