Boy, hulking up always worked for Hulk Hogan, didn’t it? Any time it appeared certain he was down and out, he’d just bumble around and pull some energy out of nowhere. You knew shit was about to go down when he ripped that shirt!
Well, we have a life lesson to discuss here today, folks. If you find yourself in a casino fight, it’s best not to rip your shirt off and try to hulk up on someone.
The rules of professional wrestling do NOT apply to everyday life.
He hit him with that HBK vs. Ric Flair “I’m sorry” kick.
— JustBleedMMA (@JustBleedMMA) April 9, 2019
He hulked up too soon!
You gotta build up to that, man – that’s why it was so effective in the wrestling ring. Hogan was worn down, so when he hulked up, it caught his opponent off guard. Your first move can’t be to rip the shirt! Your opponent is still psyching himself up. He’s ready for you, dude!
This is the most savage way to prevent the okie doke, though. I’ll give him that. Y’all know what the okie doke is, right? When you pull someone’s shirt over their face so they can’t see what’s going on. Then, you proceed to just deck the shit out of their face.
That’s why guys take their shirts off to fight. But, I can’t say I’ve ever seen a guy just go straight Hulk Hogan and effortlessly tear his shirt off. What’s he going to go to the hospital in now? His shirt’s essentially a rag on the floor now.
You’re in a casino, sir!
Why is this happening in the first place!?!? You just gotta know when it’s not worth it, and judging by this guy’s showing in this fight, it wasn’t worth it. It’s like ripping his shirt was the only move he had. I guess he was hoping that the guy would see him rip his shirt and think, “shit, I can’t fuck with this guy! He just ripped his shirt!”
But, when the guy was un-phased, that was it. Ball game. Clearly the guy had no idea what to do because instead of throwing a punch, he just tried to grab him by the throat. WTF is with this guy? Are wrestling gimmicks all he knows??? If he can’t hulk up on him, is the next logical step to go for a chokeslam? I’m fascinated by how this guy’s brain works.
That guy was legit tuning up the band, though. He kicked our bare chested friend into another dimension. Hit him with that Sweet Gut Music, baby!
I love the World Wrestling Federation – especially when it’s in a casino.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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