Claiming an IHOP Is Yours and Dumping Syrup Everywhere Is a Bold Move, Especially When the IHOP Is Very Much NOT Yours

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If you’ve never spent an early morning, drunk off your ass after a late night of drinking at an IHOP, then you don’t truly understand what a magical place it can be. There is absolutely no telling what you will see. Let the record show that Waffle House is no different – I hold no biases towards either of the midnight breakfast stops. But, for the purposes of this story, I will strictly be talking about IHOP.

It’s like traveling into a different dimension, where the laws of physics no longer apply and where societies norms don’t exist. You’re just as likely to get into a massive brawl as you are to make a dozen new friends. It’s like Dodge City, Kansas during 1870s.

Well, Sunday morning, some lucky patrons at the Antioch IHOP got to witness the pure majesty of late night/early morning IHOP when Isaac Mason was kicked out and proceeded to pitch a royal fit, even telling people he owned the restaurant.

Courtesy of the good people at WKRN:

Mason then tossed chairs, pushed tables, poured water on the floor and went around the restaurant dumping syrup everywhere.

Metro police said Mason began harassing customers, then sat back down in the booth and claimed the restaurant was his and he could do whatever he wanted.

The restaurant did not belong to Mason, officers said.

Can you even own an IHOP? Are they franchised? Or, was this just the best legal defense of his actions he could come up with immediately? “This is my establishment, so I can call people bitches, throw shit, and pour syrup all over the floor!” Also, how do the police verify that it’s NOT his IHOP, y’know? IN this day and age, they have to be super careful.

Do IHOP owners carry around identification cards that prove their ownership of an IHOP? Is there a secret IHOP Illuminati that members can use to get away with stuff like this? Can you be arrested in your own establishment for throwing shit? I’m going to need Josh Breslow to dig into this situation further.

I don’t know – it’s a bold move, regardless. Whether it was Isaac’s legal right or not, wasting good syrup should be considered a crime, especially at an IHOP.

This reminds me – I have a good personal story about the IHOP in Hermitage…I’ll share that for the Patreon subscribers this week.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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Image courtesy of Kobby Mendez on Unsplash!

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