Confession time. This was the first year I was able to drop a full dose of SCI weekend. The last couple of years have pulled me in opposite directions on Friday or Saturday. Not this year peeps. Stoney and I decided that we were going all in. The network sponsored the four big shows of the weekend (no offense to Futures as I’m about to rave about that show) with hope that we could snag some interviews along the way. We ended up with more than we ever could have imagined but I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start from the top.
Haley and I headed out for the Scenic City with doors on our mind but for different reasons. See, we already had two doors crammed in her Rav4. She was thinking “This is kind of boo shit” while I was thinking “Fuck I think I can fit one more door in here.” After some serious coaxing, she finally said fuck it. Well, if you kept track from the weekend, we could in fact fit three doors in that bih with room for a fourth if needed. Now that my door anxiety was taken care of, it was time to check in, which went smooth, then head to our Red Bank spot aka SideTrack. The place is a little pricey but maaaaan does it get the job done. The next stop was the TWE Arena where we put together the bob wire door as seen in Hey Jealousy. I only came out of it with one cut on my finger and one on my chest from wrapping that ho up. BIG time shout out to Uncle Byff for teaching me the methods of dealing with bob wire otherwise I would have bled out.
As you already know Crux fucked sooooooo hard. We got just about everything you could ask for from a wrestling show in that roughly three hours. Some random highlights:
- JRose is the guy
- The opening four way started the weekend off the way it needed to be. Fucking fire hotness.
- Manders is awesome
- Blake Christian does crazy shit really well
- Lutha X doesn’t give a fuck
- Dreamboy 001 is a legit dream boy that can hit a 450
- Byff really is the guy to call out O’Shay
- Tennessee and I really missed Shay
- Mama Hannah is the worst
- Juicy Jimmy sucks toes
- Levi Everett is the best
- The Hooligans are absolutely crazy
- It’s weird seeing Dan wrestle in boots
- Slade winning the way he did was amazing
- IFHY and the Smoking Budz rule over everything
- That tag match was an absolute blast with legit weekend highlights
- Jonathan Wolf tried to put David Morton through a fucking wall
- Seriously go watch that shit
- Billie Starkz is legit Space Jesus
- Boat
- B-Boy vs. Chip Day really was THAT match
- Jaden and Sage tore shit up
- The main event scratched that violent itch
- Righteous Jesse fucking owns
- Kerry Awful went through my bob wire door
- Brett Ison and Matt Tremont mean mugging had me ready to yeet
After the show, we went back to the Best Western Heritage Inn ready to interview the great Doug Markham. We had a good time with Doug just talking about his wresting journey. Had some laughs. Alright ‘some’ may be too small of a word. Maybe a proverbial shit ton of laughs would better sum that up. Next up was Brett Ison. Brett and I had a super dope conversation going over his journey this year and what the weekend ahead meant to him. It was awesome y’all. I say it like that because the interview y’all have heard from the weekend wasn’t that one. We realized that there was some equipment issues and not everything had recorded right. Stoney was disgusted. Thankfully, we banded together over beers to brush it off and get Stones back in “I’m not gonna put a fist through these thin walls” mode. Friday would be a new day.
We got cracking early. Our second interview with Doug went smashing because Doug is the man. Then we got word that B-Boy was ready to hop on the mic. I got to interview one of my favorite dudes who happens to be a fucking wrestling legend. Other than my stuff with Brett, this was the most rewarding experience I’ve had thus far. If that wasn’t enough for the day, Manders said ‘fuck it let’s do this’ and we snagged up the Cornbelt Cowboy. Manders, much like the other two guys mentioned, is so genuine. It’s really something to be around him. Especially when the beers/chocky moonshine are a flowing. You know who else we got to chat with? The Smokin Budz! We caught up with them just a few weeks ago but we got some WOMBAT/Lights Out stories that were very much worthy of a sequel. Love those dudes. After all this, it was time to get to the venue for Night 1.
-Opening up with B-Boy vs. Slim J is such a power move
-Incredible stuff with Slim J looking like an absolute G
-Ku and Iggy was super badass
-Marko is a star in the Chattanooga territory
-O’Shay vs. Drake was an absolute slugfest
-Brett Ison put Matt Tremont through a door I bought
-Matt Tremont put Brett Ison through a door I bought
-Brett vs. Matt was so dope
-People were shocked Brett lost
-AC Mack stays kicking people in the dick
-Daniel Makabe vs. Tony Deppen kicked so much ass
-Joey Lynch vs. Anthony Henry lived up to the hype
-Holy shit we’re getting WorkHorsemen vs. Lynch Bros…hope Joey doesn’t leap to his death
After a hell of a night one, we got back to the BW to kick it a minute before interviewing Brett again. This is the interview y’all been listening to which was such a pleasure. After talking to The Pitbull it was time for O’Shay Edwards to spit that game. I can’t tell y’all how many times he said something and I nearly had to walk away because it was the best shit I’d ever heard. The quote about Angels/Demons still has me on my toes. By the time we finished up with Shay, I wanna say it was around 2 in the am so we hopped up to prom just for a minute. It could have been the booze but I swear I saw Jaden Newman singing ‘Baby Got Back’ while Logan Stunt twerked dat ass. We rendezvous back at the City Cafe for…well you know. Then it was time for bed as we were not missing Futures this year like we did in 2018.
We were up and (thought) we were ready for Futures. After hitting up the Cracker Barrell with at Steven McCash and Brett Ison, it was show time bay bay.
-The opening triple threat with Benjamin Carter, James Bandy and Kevin Giza was hottt
-Carter has a beautiful frog splash
-Manders vs. Beef vs. Zach Cooper was THE match
-All three of those hosses brought the pain and we can’t thank them enough
-Lutha X is the fucking truth
-Bobby Flaco stay wildin
-Violence is Forever hits and I’m so goddamn ready
-IFHY’s music starts and Brett says “Oh, it’s the IFHY boys”
-I know it’s their music but I’m so excited I yell ‘NO WAY’
-Brett, still calm and collected, says ‘Yes it is’
-The match fucking ruled but the moment to see is Jonathan Wolf coming off the top rope to Ku/a bunch of steel chairs
-Can confirm that Wolf was just really hungry
-Go out of your way to see both IFHY tag matches from the weekend!
-Ku danced to Backstreet Boys after this match
-The Mercury Bros vs. The B Bros had a couple of cool spots it was just tough to follow the previous tag match
-Alan Angels has a damn good look yo. Wouldn’t be shocked to see him at a bunch of new places in 2020
-Logan Stunt is out here kicking people like it ain’t no thang
-Manders vs. Flaco vs. Carter was a hell of a main event
-Manders is an absolute star
-This may have been the show of the weekend
We just kind of chilled between shows. Nothing really happened at all…moving on.
-Kicking things off with a crazy scramble featuring Manders, Parnell, Graham, Garrini, Angels and Sells is always a good decision
-Shout out to Jake Parnell for coming out of that match with all those killers
-I really thought Marko was gonna beat AC
-AC’s family motto would be “Stay kicking people in the dick”
-Makabe vs. Slim J was another badass match that hopefully doesn’t get lost in the weekend
-Shay and Matt Tremont was a fist fight that went all over the gym
-It was fast and brutal and everything I wanted it to be
-We’ve been wanting Parnell vs. Ku and we got it y’all
-The Lynch Bros vs. WorkHorsemen. Fuuuuuuuck
-Joey Lynch came off the bleachers and nearly died
-Another insane, dope tag match on the weekend y’all
-Bless both those dudes
-Only way to follow that was with Brett Ison vs. B-Boy 2 which was an absolute classic
-The crowd felt a little bit different this year but they were all about these two whooping on each other
-Gonna need Ison/B-Boy 3 asap
-Seeing Jaden tag with The Carnies was really fucking cool
-The final was bat shit crazy
-Parnell just throwing out double stomps to Shay from three of the four corners was a highlight
-It looked like AC Mack was gonna sneak out with a win when Makabe hit that Roman spot and the crowd went crazy
-I don’t know if I’ve heard anything as loud as that gym when Mack submitted
-Daniel Makabe is the 2019 SCI champ and I love it
Back to the BW where we had an interview with IFHY lined up. We met up with the crew, just hit the record button and laughed for nearly two hours. I can’t put over this cult/gang/movement enough. Whoever told them all that bullshit last year is looking real dumb in 2019. Big ups to them for bouncing back and making this past weekend feel like SCIFHY. While all of this was going on, Haley was hanging out with Tony Deppen. They talked about how much he loves his wife (a lot) and how much he hates Bill Dundee (also a lot) Like how insane is it that while we’re nearly getting a noise complaint with the IFHY crew cracking us up, Haley is out making a beer run with Deppen?! I LOVE SCI weekend so much. We hit up City Cafe one last time before we had to try and get some sleep as we were just a few hours from SUP.
We were out and on the road early as Haley doesn’t play that traffic bullshit. After a quick stop at The Crying Wolf, we made our way to The Basement East for the big blowout of the weekend.
-All the love and positive vibes out to Zach Cooper. I’ve known Zach for a hot minute and have nothing but great things to say about him. He’s a grinder and he’ll be back better than ever.
-Manders is already a star in The Basement East
-The SUP faithful were booing Jaden which was completely surprising with the story that has been told
-For real when Jaden picked up the win you would have thought AC Mack won with the reign of boos that came down
-Bradley spitting out beer before Angels hit his finisher had me laughing my ass off
-Cabana Man Dan vs. Marko Stunt was like Flair/Steamboat to the audience
-This was a great match with a ton of fun from bell to bell
-Hooooooly shit Manders vs. Garrini is another match I’ve been aching for
-The piledriver Garrini hit on Manders may or may not have caused a tectonic plate shift in the area
-Seeing B-Boy hit to ‘Real Muthaphuckkin G’s’ live was as close to a religious experience as I’ll ever get
-The striking we got between B-Boy and Kevin Ku was about as high level as it gets
-B-Boy won with a brain buster that fucking rocked the crowd
-B-Boy is undefeated at SUP
-AC Mack is evil but got damn I love him
-I can still hear the sound that chair shot made when it connected with Logan Stunt’s head
-Mack stays kicking people in the dick
-Craig Mitchell/Alex Zayne was incredible
-Lost count on how many times Zayne almost died
-Seriously, how did he survive this shit?
-The package piledriver from the top made the entire building jump. Go watch the footage.
-Brett Ison took a fuck ton of punishment in the main event. Dude is a terminator.
-I’m ready for Brett and Shay to take over the tag team game
-The Pitbull retains in an absolute war
-AC Mack attacks Ison post match
-AC is really out here looking to die
-The SUP foundation stands tall as the weekend fades to black
We cranked out a bunch of content, didn’t sleep, and had a blasty blast for four straight days. I want to thank B-Boy, Doug, Brett, Shay, Cody/David Morton, Manders, Wolf, Kemp, JRose, and Billie for taking time out for us. It was an absolute pleasure! I also want to shout out Stoney again. None of this would be possible without our rock of an EIC. Now let’s get to some superlatives.
Matches of the weekend: (in chronological order)
IFHY vs. Smokin Budz
B-Boy vs. Chip Day
Jaden Newman vs. Sage Philips
Fans Bring the Weapons Deathmatch
Brett Ison vs. Matt Tremont
Tony Deppen vs. Daniel Makabe
IFHY vs. Violence is Forever
O’Shay Edwards vs. Matt Tremont
Lynch Bros vs. WorkHorsemen
Alex Zayne vs. Tony Deppen
B-Boy vs. Brett Ison
CMD vs. Marko Stunt
B-Boy vs. Kevin Ku
Alex Zayne vs. Craig Mitchell
John Mosley is the independent wrestling correspondent of the SoBros Network. He graduated from ETSU with a degree in Radio, TV and Film along with a minor in Film Studies. Since graduating he’s done pretty much nothing but watch, film, edit or commentate for local wrestling promotions and is the current color commentator for Resolute Wrestling. #Preds #Titans #DefendOrVacateConor Follow on Twitter: @SoBroMose.
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