Man, the news just keeps getting weirder regarding now New England Patriots wide receiver Antonio Brown. Apparently, AB has a nasty reputation for not paying people…so this doctor comes out and sues him for some unpaid fees. But, this doc went a step further and dropped the hammer on AB for acting like a child.
Monroeville’s Dr. Victor Prisk has filed a lawsuit in Pennsylvania claiming that Brown owes him $11,500 in unpaid fees.
Not only that, according to the NY Post, Dr. Prisk claims Brown repeatedly farted in his face and laughed about it during a consultation where he showed up three hours late.
TMZ managed to land a copy of the tape of this incident and posted it online. It’s linked in the CBS Pittsburgh article, and it is totally worth watching. One of the most awkward encounters I have ever watched, as this doctor just pretends that AB isn’t totally farding in his face. I mean, it is definitely the giggling that sets it all off.
I will not sit here and pretend to be above laughing at a good fart. But, there has to be an appropriate time and place for it. Sometimes, I can fart and scare the dog. That is just plain good comedy. If I am three hours late for an appointment with a professional such as a fucking DOCTOR, I will probably elect to NOT fart right in the guy’s face.
Just goes to show you, man…if you make enemies, that shit will come back to bite you in the ass.
I gotta say, though, I am tired of reading about Antonio Brown crying, shidding and farding, and bussin’ on anyone’s back. This is just weird, dude.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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