Movie Review Rewind: Changeling (2008)

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Clint Eastwood is an old man. A very old man. However, the older he gets the better he becomes. With in the last four years he has directed Mystic River, Flags of Our Fathers, and Million Dollar Baby. Each of those are great stories and Changeling is no different.

The story takes place in 1928 and involves Christine Collins, played by Angelina Jolie, whose son disappears. The LAPD finds a boy who is not her son and the story unfolds from there and leads in to corruption, a serial killer, heartbreak, and hope. Eastwood really sets the stage for a story that takes twists and turns all the way to the end of the film. After the film is over you cannot believe how people, especially women, were treated by the LAPD, and the journey Christine Collins takes to find her son. The film leaves a lasting impression on you because the story is true and it really happened.

Angelina Jolie always delivers great work. She could be in action movies or dramas and it would not matter. She takes control of her character and always shines on screen. Her playing Christine Collins was great casting. Jolie can turn the notch up or down on her acting and never goes over-the-top or over dramatizes a scene. I really think she could be nominated in the Best Actress category in February at the Academy Awards.

Another actor who takes a supporting role but an important one is John Malkovich. He plays a clergyman who reports all the wrong doings by the LAPD on his radio show and preachings. His character really helps Christine Collins through her hard times. If it was not for his character’s persistence for answers, I don’t know if Christine Collins would have been able to get the help she did.

The story really is about a mother who just wants her son found, but gets wrapped up in politics and corruption. The truth seems so far out of reach at times, but Christine Collins never gave up. Not on herself or her son.

Brandon Vick is a member of The Music City Film Critics’ Association, the resident film critic of the SoBros Network, and the star of The Vick’s Flicks Podcast. Follow him on Twitter @SirBrandonV and be sure to search #VicksFlicks for all of his latest movie reviews.

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