Recasting The Lost Boys with Indie Wrestling Talent

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Happy spooky szn y’all! I’ve been sitting on this one specifically for today and am stoked to finally get it out in the universe. Indie wrestling talent recast for The Lost Boys

Righteous Jesse as Sam: Jesse is down to stake some vampires, but can still bring a laugh or two along the way. I really couldn’t think of anyone else for this spot. We’ll just substitute Bootz in for the dog in this version. 

Matthew Justice as Michael: Solid leading man looks, plus Justice strikes me as the guy that wouldn’t be afraid to fuck with the vampire crew. Only issue may come to the “hanging from the railroad” scene cause Justice is gonna jump off that ASAP. 

Joshua Bishop as David: Bishop’s crazy ass in the Kiefer role has me ready to crowd source this film. Think about Bishop and Justice chewing scenery throughout, not to mention the fire ass quotes we’d get. “Maggots Michael, you’re eating maggots.” 

Wes Barkley as Marko: Of course Wes is gonna play one of the vampires in the crew. Hell, he even kind of reminds me of Alex Winter, who played Marko in the original. This is cash money. 

The Stunt Bros as The Frog Bros: Of course right? Marko and Logan in full vampire killing fashion again has me ready to start a GoFundMe. That final fight at the house would be an absolute gas with the Stunts cracking jokes and staking mopes. It’ll be like the backyard show, but with Marko and Logan fucking vampires up instead of each other. 

Allie Kat as Star: Again this one just feels right. Star may be a little more of a badass in our version, so we know the right woman…errr…kat. Plus, I’ve always wanted to see a vampire take a piledriver. 

Byff as Grandpa: The TV Guide reading but no tv having, coke drinking, mic dropping grandpa played by our favorite uncle. Byff would crush this thanks to his comedic timing not to mention he kind of dresses like Grandpa from time to time. 

Terra Calaway as Lucy: The mom to our heroes was tough to cast, but I feel pretty good about this. Terra is thoughtful and caring like Lucy, but can totally get right with you if necessary. Plus she’s already the queen of dinosaurs, so why not put her in position to be the queen of vampires? Thankfully, that’s a position she doesn’t want. 

Jeff Cannonball as Max: The red herring that turns out to be exactly who we think he is. Cannonball as the leader of the vampires is 100% my jam. I think he could knock the Ed Herrmann role out of the park especially with this crew around him. 

Brick as Ripped Sax Guy: Was there any question as to this role? Brick IS ripped up sax guy. You could CGI him in over Tim Cappello in the original and I wouldn’t question it one bit. If the day comes that Hollywood remakes this classic, this particularly casting move has to happen. 

John Mosley is “The General” of the SoBros Network – covering independent wrestling, college football, sports, and a myriad of topics. He graduated from ETSU with a degree in Radio, TV and Film along with a minor in Film Studies. Since graduating he’s done pretty much nothing but watch, film, edit or commentate for local wrestling promotions and is the current color commentator for Resolute Wrestling. #Preds #Titans #DefendOrVacateConor Follow on Twitter: @SoBroMose.

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