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Four days. It’s been four days since SUP You’re Next and I’m still shook. The show was as good if not better than expected but that ending…that ending. Complete shock and awe, fam. We’ll get there. Let’s start from the top. 

SUP You’re Next Recap

Gary Jay vs. Cabana Man Dan: Complete and total slug fest. This was a match that wasn’t being talked about enough going in, so I want to stress one more time that this absolutely crushed.

Gary is known for that BAMF shit, but goddammit CMD is also a legit member of the International Association of Bad Ass Mother Fuckers. If you don’t believe me, just queue this match up. From the opening bell, we were blessed with violence. A real highlight of the entire show came when Dan drove Gary’s head into the apron via a vicious DDT. I swear that Gary was stuck for about a half second before hitting the cold, concrete. Anyone less of a badass than Gary would have been out, but The Stiff Robo Ginger ain’t got time to die! The two continue to hammer away on one another until CMD is able to keep Gary down for a HUGE win. Dan is really having himself a year, folks! 

Lee Johnson vs. Cody Vance: Two fresh faces for the SUP faithful y’all! It was a bit of an uneasy feeling from the crowd, but it didn’t take long for them to get behind Johnson. Lee is a confirmed mad man, which those fans absolutely appreciate. What they didn’t appreciate was Vance getting the dub. No doubt the SUP crowd can be double tuff on new faces, so big ups to both these guys for making an impression right away. 

Trick or Treat Battle Royal: Well we thought we were gonna get a Donnie Janela karate demo, but that quickly went off the rails as the talent surrounding the ring weren’t about that life. When the battle royal did get going, it was an all out madhouse. Like, for this match, The Basement East could have been called The Bar of 1,000 Psychos. People were getting chucked left and right peeps.

After the herd was eventually thinned out, it appeared that Donnie may win the whole damn thing. Enter The One Kick Man!!! Logan Stunt, who really seems to be on some “I’ll fight anyone and everyone” shit, clears the ring to secure the bag. Post match, it was announced that Logan could use his ‘treat’ from the win to lock down any match he wanted in the SUP universe. My man wasted no time in calling out the goddamn Bone Collector. While Dominic Garrini wasn’t in attendance, he was over in Germany fighting some of the best in the world, I think we all can picture the smile that went across Dom’s face when he caught wind of this. This is some bloodsport shit people and I’m here for it. 

Zach Cooper vs. Thomas Shire: Shire is a killer and Cooper is always ready to die, so this was a dream match for those in the know. This was the first time seeing Shire live and I’ve got to say that is a hoss if I’ve ever seen one. The two matched up oh so well, as expected, leading to another top notch fight on the day. Cooper went off the top rope twice, though his ‘coast to coast’ attempt did not end well. The two would go on to trade forearms, leading us to believe that Cooper’s shoulder is good to go the way he was slinging those shots in. After the biggest frog splash I’ve ever seen in my life, Zach Cooper gets the win in his return. SUP has to bring Shire back for two reasons. 1. There are so many insane matchups to make with him. 2. I want to see Cooper/Shire as a tag team. That’s the stuff nightmares are made of. 

Alan Angels vs. Jaden Newman: Both men have been making waves in 2019, but this certainly felt like a springboard for the winner into 2020. Angels has been very impressive at SUP which includes a win over BPIV. Jaden beat fucking Manders back in August, so to say both were riding high is a bit of an understatement.

This was hot hot hottt! Crazy offense at a hell of a pace, which should not have been a surprise at all. Jaden had to be the slight favorite going in, but there were moments when it really felt like Angels was gonna get the win. It wasn’t meant to be though, as Jaden was determined to win this one by any means. Bummer for Alan, as this was a performance to be very proud of. Watch out for Jaden Newman in 2020 – something tells me he’s gonna be on one the entire year. 

IWTV Independent Wrestling Title- Warhorse (c) vs. Matthew Justice: This was a MOTY contender if I’ve ever seen one. I feel like they spent more time beating the hell out of each other on the outside than actually in the ring. I mean from a double stomp off the stage via Warhorse to ‘The Leap’ that Matthew Justice took from the top of the famed Basement East post through Warhorse through a door, these guys were going all the way the fuck in. Not that any of this was surprising though, as both men…well one man and one warhorse…are both really, really good at wrestling (as well as really, really crazy). Warhorse retains, but go 50 miles out of your way to see this match. 

YEETFEST- The Smokin’ Budz (Cody and David Morton) vs. The Lost Boys (Adam Slade, Bradley Prescott IV and Chase Holliday) vs. PME (Philly Collins and Marino Tenaglia) vs. IFHY (Johnathan Wolf and Shawn Kemp): Probably the most talked about match going into the show and whoa nelly did it yeet. The Lost Boys went Freebird rule on us right away, giving them an advantage on paper…though I think BPIV was drunk before he ever made his way to the ring. He would go on to hit a beautiful 450 splash so don’t ever, ever, ever underestimate Bradley, even if he does smell of straight hard seltzer.

This entire match is a highlight with all four teams hitting some high notes along the way. The Budz gave us semi-stereo moonsaults to the outside and destroyers including Cody hitting Wolf with his on the apron. Real jaw dropping stuff, folks. Also, I say semi-stereo because…well…there was a bit of a delay, but that’s to be expected from these stoned bois.

Speaking of Wolf, he went full Grave Digger and flew to the outside on top of a row of bodies made up of his opponents. Jesse said it was like when monster trucks jump over those smashed cars. I’ve never agreed with anything more.

The finish sequence had me in awe as Wolf hits a swanton on the Lost Boys, then slides out only to spin kick Philly before hitting the goddamn Your Mom’s a Ho-plex into the ring post. Poor Philly Collins was absolutely stuck on that thing. This opens the door for Kemp to hit what appears to be a burning hammer into a pedigree. If you haven’t seen it do so because it fucking kills. YEET FUCKING YEET. 

1 Called Manders vs. O’Shay Edwards: What could have been our third main event of the night turned into a real tough man competition with two of the toughest in the business.

Both guys are also beloved at SUP, so at times, it felt like the audience was on pins and needles. That feeling of not knowing who to root for can be hard to handle, but it’s a testament to how much everyone cares about both dudes. There is mucho respect between the two but both were swinging for the fences from bell to bell. Both men are win-hungry at SUP, as both have hit a rough stretch inside The Basement East, but this matchup felt bigger than that even.

Just two bad, bad dudes looking to compete against each other. The match flew by, but that could have been due to lack of oxygen as I found myself constantly holding my breath. O’Shay gets back to his winning ways but both warriors share a beer post-match. Highly recommend. 

SUP Bonestorm Title- Brett Ison (c) vs. AC Mack: Here we are. The match everyone has been talking about that I’ve flat out not wanted to even think about. Probably not for the reason you think either. Don’t get me wrong – AC is a complete POS. Like, he took Jesse hostage at one point for fuck sake. He’s lower than low.

It took roughly 37 dick kicks and a Pepsi Plunge from the top through chairs to get the pin and the Bonestorm title for Mack. All of this is upsetting but what kills me is knowing it was Brett’s pride that got him.

After a skull crushing elbow, Brett had the pin. We all wanted him to cover AC and get out of dodge, but that wasn’t enough for The Pitbull. He wanted to kill AC Mack with what I can only imagine would have been Street Justice from the top rope through those same chairs that wound up being his downfall.

As heartbreaking as it was, I’ve come to accept that the same pride that was Brett Ison’s achilles heel in this match is the same pride that helped him rise to this stage. Kill or Be Killed, right? It’s not just a saying – it’s how he lives his life and on this day…this SUP Sunday, it was killed. AC Mack is the new Bonestorm Champion. God help us all. 

For Stoney Keeley’s SUP Power Rankings, click here.

John Mosley is “The General” of the SoBros Network – covering independent wrestling, college football, sports, and a myriad of topics. He graduated from ETSU with a degree in Radio, TV and Film along with a minor in Film Studies. Since graduating he’s done pretty much nothing but watch, film, edit or commentate for local wrestling promotions and is the current color commentator for Resolute Wrestling. #Preds #Titans #DefendOrVacateConor Follow on Twitter: @SoBroMose.

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