3 out of 5 stars
The voice casting of Pratt & Holland is a splendid choice in a fantastical story of two brothers on a rocky road trip to spend one more day with their father. Unicorns, wizardry, dragons, spells & curses. The preternatural world brought to life by director Scanlon & his team is enjoyable, yet strangely straightforward & never incredibly imaginative. But, while it may take a little while, once the sincerity shines through, the emotional adventure does become more enchanting by the end. Is this a top-tier Pixar animation? Unfortunately, there’s not enough magic to make that happen. At the same time, its heart is too big to simply cast it aside entirely.
2 out of 5 stars
Director de Wilde’s adaptation of Jane Austen’s period dramedy is lovely to look at & features a wonderfully graceful performance by Taylor-Joy. Nevertheless, it’s an inadequate recreation of a classic that never finds its footing. The storytelling is essentially what you’d expect except half the wit w/ nothing new to say. It’s unrewarding & quite boring to say the least.
3 out of 5 stars
Forget the needless controversy surrounding this somewhat satire that’s absurd yet applaudable as it takes aim at both sides of the political aisle. And while shots are fired using humor & gore, director Zobel doesn’t always hit his target. It’s entertaining enough for a B-movie action thriller – though as far as its commentary on our country’s divisiveness – it disappointingly doesn’t go in for the kill. The only one out for blood is Gilpin, owning every scene w/ a badass performance that’s unexpected but enthralling.
2 out of 5 stars
As much as this tale of faith, brainwashing, & male entitlement wants to stir the emotions visually – there’s nothing here that will prove to be shocking or profound. Director Szumowska has a keen eye for unsettling atmosphere, but her cult creation isn’t very compelling & is a slog to get through.
3.5 out of 5 stars
The story itself may not score a ton of points as it’s formulaic to a fault. Though it’s also not the underdog sports movie you may think it is. Basketball is only the instrument used to play a deeply personal song about redemption. Director O’Connor satisfyingly spins this into an emotional drama while keeping the audience invested in the game. And in one of his greatest performances, Affleck is outstanding, making us feel as though he’s battling his own demons right in front of us. It’s difficult to separate the man from the role – but it’s because of that that the anguish & authenticity that’s shown on this road to recovery is so quietly stunning.
2 out of 5 stars
What could possibly go wrong when a high school boy’s current girlfriend & ex girlfriend strike up an unlikely friendship behind his back? That’s the promising premise from director Kasulke that never amounts to anything new or exciting. But co-writer/star Marks almost makes up for it all w/ a star-making performance. She’s undoubtedly the highlight of this coming-of-age, BFF story that fails to separate itself from other more vulgar, funnier, & smarter high school movies it will inevitably be compared to.
3.5 out of 5 stars
Writer/director Orley’s small indie film is funny yet tragic as it follows a friendship between a high schooler & his older sister’s ex-boyfriend who peaked in high school. Gluck & Davidson are fantastic, forming a scampish bromance that’s built on idolization & dumb ideas. It’s a surprisingly discerning dramedy of youth, the choices & influences that shape your lives, & outgrowing friendships you thought would last forever.
4 out of 5 stars
Edith-Williams is cute as can be, & writer/star O’Sullivan is phenomenal as a babysitter who connects w/ the child she’s babysitting in unexpected yet wonderful ways. From director Thompson, this small yet smart, genuine, funny, & empathetic film takes big risks on talking about what women go through on a daily basis that’s not said out loud. There’s not a single character who has it all together or holds all the answers. It’s a dose of real life as they steer through the storms of friendships & relationships, holding tight to those critical connections we live for. This kind of storytelling is rare, riveting, & refreshing.
3 out of 5 stars
A primo performance from Martindale spices up this female-lead dark dramedy of murder & secrets in a small Maine fishing town w/ ice running through its veins. While it may have that Fargo feel, directors Cole & Krudy let their tale roam a tad too much & is in need of being more gripping than it is. Thankfully, they also provide originality, quirkiness, & devious humor to ensure this occult neo-noir swims instead of sinks.
Brandon Vick is a member of The Music City Film Critics’ Association, the resident film critic of the SoBros Network, and the star of The Vick’s Flicks Podcast. Follow him on Twitter @SirBrandonV and be sure to search #VicksFlicks for all of his latest movie reviews.
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