A special Thanksgiving episode of the Masked Singer aired this week, and it all came down to a battle between vegetables to see who advanced to the Super 6. Broccoli, Mushroom, and Jellyfish sang their hearts out hoping to garner enough votes from the judges and the studio audience to help them secure one of the final two spots in the Super 6.
The performances began with Jellyfish taking on Dua Lipa’s “Don’t Start Now” and delivering a vocal performance that quite honestly rivaled the original. Jellyfish has been extremely consistent every time she has graced the stage. During the clue package this week, there are several references to Jellyfish being a champion on another stage. There is a tic-tac-toe board where the x’s have won, a gold stapler and a nail file. Jellyfish’s sister is her special guest clue giver and is disguised as a calculator with 57714 on the display screen.
57714 is a zip code in Allen, South Dakota, but it could also just be ‘hills’ upside down. Could she be a star from the reality show The Hills? Or could she be a star with a connection to South Dakota? This week’s clues do not coincide with my guess of Jessica Simpson at all – in fact, I am even more confused on who it could be behind the mask. I am beginning to think that just maybe it is a gold medal Olympian. My gut is now leading me towards Olympic snowboarding gold medalist Chloe Kim. This week, the judges guesses included Charli XCX, Kylie Jenner and fellow Olympian McKayla Maroney.
The contestant that most have been sleeping on has to be the Mushroom and with powerhouses like Popcorn and Sun, it is understandable. After another jaw dropping performance, the identity of Mushroom is even more a mystery to me and most others watching the show.
Clues for the fungi this week included the fact that he was class president and had over a 4.0 grade point average. He has also worked closely with underprivileged youth and some of the visual clues included a bull and a wrestling ring. After giving a rousing rendition of Katy Perry’s “Unconditionally” the judges rambled off guesses of Jaden Smith, Taye Diggs and The Weeknd.
The final veggie to take the stage tonight is Broccoli and he gave a solid performance of Bob Seger’s “Old Time Rock and Roll.” The clues for every child’s favorite vegetable gave us some great insight to who he could be. We learn he has had a long career in show business so long in fact that he is older than the microwave. With references to Las Vegas in the package it is easy to believe that this is someone that has connections to the days of old Vegas with Sinatra, Martin and Lewis, Jr. The fact that he is in the age range he is completely knocks out my original guess of filmmaker Kevin Smith. The celebrity panel believes it could be Al Roker, Ringo Starr and Paul Anka.
The three singers gather on the stage together one last time to see who is advancing to the Super 6 first and to find out who is going to the Smackdown to sing for their life. To little shock, Jellyfish is voted on to the Super 6 leaving Broccoli and Mushroom to battle it out for the final spot.
Broccoli goes first and gives a less than impressive take on Alabama’s “Take Me Down.” Mushroom follows him with a rendition of Donny Hathaway’s “A Song for You” that is without a doubt one of the best vocal performances of the season.
Broccoli is sent home after the Smackdown sending Mushroom to fill out the Super 6. Judge Robin Thicke guessed fellow Canadian Paul Anka after Broccoli’s first performance and is found to be correct after the unmasking.
Season 4 of the Masked Singer is down to its Super 6 with Jellyfish and Mushroom joining Sun, Popcorn, Crocodile and Seahorse. Catch the Masked Singer this Wednesday on FOX to see who is unmasked next.
Steven McCash is the Music Columnist for SoBros Network. He is the pioneer of New Music Friday, highlighting each week’s new releases in the world of music, in addition to the occasional live show review. Follow on Twitter: @MC_Cash75
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