Allow me to set the scene for you guys. It’s late last night – I don’t know, probably somewhere around 10:30PM. I usually burn the midnight oil, so once the wife goes to bed, that’s usually when I get the bulk of the next day’s writing for SoBros Network done. Last night was no different. I’m working on a piece about a new watercoaster opening up at Soaky Mountain Waterpark. I’m nearing completion of that post when all of a sudden, a thunderous BOOM breaks across the night sky, shaking the floor beneath me, the ceiling above me, and rattling the windows. An explosion in Mount Juliet? Nah…it couldn’t be.
I know we’re close enough to the 4th of July for fireworks to burst across the night sky, but at 10:30 a week before the holiday? Seems a bit much even for these rednecks who are already lighting off fireworks (yes, I hate you). Plus, I’ve heard fireworks…I’ve heard intense fireworks before…and a loud singular boom that was impactful enough to make it sound like a wrestling match was going on on my roof without a single flicker of light overhead…it just didn’t make sense. So, I did what any rational human being would do in this situation…I turned to Facebook.
I looked in the Hip Mt. Juliet group, and sure enough, others were reporting of hearing this sound. Good – I wasn’t crazy. Mount Juliet police were out and about trying to figure out what exactly caused it, but at the time of this writing, we still don’t even know. Imagine that – this chaotic disruption, and there’s just…like…no sign of what happened? It’s wild!
This is the loud explosion that was heard across the Mt. Juliet area around 10:31 p.m tonight. We did not locate the source. Anyone with information is urged to call us or leave an anonymous tip at 615-754-8477 or at .
— Mt. Juliet Police (@MtJulietPolice) June 28, 2022
This video is just enough to tease us. That sound is a decent indicator of the type of ‘boom’ we all heard, but I also don’t know that it does it justice in terms of just how loud and impactful that ‘boom’ was. Not sure how far these folks are from me, but in the neighborhood I’m in, I just about shit my pants. It hit me in my chest the way a drink of ice cold water hits you in the chest on a hot summer day. You’re suddenly compelled to just get up and move.
The experts on Hip Mt. Juliet suggested it was a meteor or some sort of fireball (I’m no meteorologist), and I was quick to laugh them off. But, as it turns out, that just might’ve been what did it. In fact, a report was filed with the American Meteor Society! So, hey – how about that? Feels like a big win for Hip Mt. Juliet, and I don’t know how often you can really say that.
I’m not going to say I was rooting for aliens, but I’ll tell ya what….I wouldn’t mind not having to clock in at the day job anymore…
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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