For my money, there’s no better head football coach in the history of college football than Nick Saban. Now, I obviously need to qualify that statement with the fact that I am only 36 years old, and have indeed NOT watched and studied every single head coach in the history of college football. So, there’s a little bit of projection and a little bit of hyperbole in here. But, for the most part, I don’t think it’s that far of a reach – I mean, it’s fair to say when members of the media are saying it too, right?!
Nonetheless, we all know about all of the accolades, the championships, the awards – all of it. You don’t need me to remind you of just how accomplished this man is. And, when you reach a stratosphere the likes of which Saban has reached, it’s only natural for folks to start poking around and trying to pick apart how you got there. We’ve seen it in the ranks of college football – the landscape of the sport is littered with former Saban disciples serving as head coaches elsewhere. But, there’s a certain level of greatness that transcends the sport itself, and that’s where we are with Saban. When you study what has made him so great for so long, you can find some underlying principles that you can apply in real world settings. And, that’s exactly what I’m here to do today – discuss some of Saban’s defining characteristics and how we can use them in our everyday lives to become better, more productive, folks.
Real World Things We Can Learn from Nick Saban’s Success
Adaptability – I’ve called it his greatest asset before, and five years since writing that piece, I still think it’s apart of his aura that is underrated. He is able to identify trends early on and adjust accordingly. When college football started drifting more and more towards offense, Saban started landing Ferraris at the receiver position. It’s a reminder of the importance of not becoming too set in our ways, for there are always going to be elements of our lives that we cannot control. It’s important to at least be ready for change, if you don’t outright embrace it.
Fresh ideas – Saban damn sure isn’t afraid of getting some different ideas in the room. He’s developed a reputation for turning Alabama into the land of misfit coaches for all the castoffs he signs as “analysts” on his staff. And, he’s been known to hire a coordinator or two that makes you raise your eyebrows and wonder how on Earth it’ll work. *cough* Lane Kiffin *cough*. That’s an illustration of how important it is to not lock yourself inside your own echo chamber. Part of being able to successfully adapt to the game as it evolves is having people around that will challenge your establishment. For us, it’s a sign that listening to others can lead us to personal growth. In our professional lives, it’s a direct example of how working with people who think differently can lead to greater successes. So, don’t be afraid to hear different perspectives.
Process – It’s one of the first things you learn about Saban once you start digging into his routine…just how focused he is on the process, and not the results. It’s a lesson in building strong habits, efficiency, and communication skills. Do the things it takes to be great, and eventually, you can become a product of that. If you take the guesswork out of things and communicate protocol effectively, things become a little more automatic and efficient. This translates to organizational skills and time management in the real world, and mastering each can improve productivity dramatically.
These three things are just a few of the reasons Saban has become the greatest college football coach of all time, but they may also guide us in our own self-improvement journeys. Also, eat a shit ton of oatmeal cream pies. Our friends at 440 Sports recently put out an incredible episode of The Fringe Element, on which Braden and Erin chat with SEC writer John Talty about how Saban’s process came to be. Smash that play button on the embed below and go subscribe to 440 Sports on YouTube!
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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