Getting One of the Belts Off of Roman Reigns Before WrestleMania Isn’t Complicated at All

If ya don't want The Tribal Chief to carry both belts through 'Mania season, it's really not all that hard to figure out a way to get one off of him.

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I saw a tweet about Roman Reigns doing some numbers on wrestling Twitter yesterday that just made me irrationally angry. The account is “WrestleVotes,” and the tweet reads as: “The situation w/ the world titles & Roman Reigns is “complex” according to a source. They would like to go into “Mania season” & WrestleMania itself with 2 champions, but they also don’t want Reigns losing AT ALL prior. I’m told HHH & co are open to all things creatively here.

All due respect to WrestleVotes, but I’m not familiar with their account, so I don’t know how much stock we should put into this source. If they’re trustworthy, and I’m being an ass by calling that into question, then by all means, let me know. But, the point I’ll get to is that whether this is legit news or not did not stop the wrestling community from weighing in on what a “predicament” the WWE is in with its Undisputed Universal WWE Galactic Champion. I saw some folks saying that Vince McMahon “booked himself into a corner,” and that “he made a mess with Reigns” – thinks of that ilk. And, folks – I simply do not get it at all. The WWE can do literally anything they want to with Roman Reigns, and I’m going to illustrate that by pointing out something that could shock wrestling fans.

It is all literally scripted. The WWE runs episodic television. They can literally do whatever they want.

They could trot Reigns out there on a random Friday night and have him say “eh, I didn’t want the Raw belt anymore so I gave it back to ’em.” Maybe that’s not the most creative thing, but a week later, after they’ve announced a tournament to crown the new Raw champ, everyone would forget about it anyway. What are you guys talking about this being a complicated situation? It’s not complicated at all.

You don’t want Reigns to be pinned? Cool. Triple threat – the third guy takes the pin fall. You can make up some bogus loophole where a character points out how Reigns should not have both belts. I mean, you could strip him of one of the titles. You could have a stipulation match where if Reigns wins, he loses the title. I’m telling you – ANYTHING THEY WANT TO DO, THEY CAN DO IT. It’s the least complicated situation there is. Do they have to be mindful of it in terms of creating a quality program? Sure. But, you’re making a mountain out of a mole hill if you think they’re “stuck” or “booked into a corner.”

Personally, just my two cents here, but Reigns is the best thing to happen in wrestling for a long time. I wouldn’t care about having two champs going into WrestleMania season. Just ride out the Tribal Chief, and elevate the Intercontinental Championship and the United States Championship to main event level programs. They’ve been doing it on Raw with Bobby Lashley as the U.S. Champion anyway – just stick to it! It’s not that big of a deal, folks.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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