#VicksFlicks Terse Twitter Reviews – Vol. 67

Brandon Vick reviews Black Adam, Amsterdam, Werewolf By Night, Hellraiser and much more on the latest Terse Twitter Reviews!

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2 out of 5 stars

DC latching themselves on to the muscle-bound back of Johnson makes perfect sense. However, he ain’t no miracle worker as this stale superhero movie is more exhausting than exciting. At this stage, Johnson can’t help but be electrifying & as the titled antihero – he’s frequently laying the smackdown. Unfortunately, he’s doing it in the middle of a mess. The action is unrelenting but not all of it is as exhilarating as director Collet-Serra thinks it is, and adding some slow-mo to it doesn’t change that. He overspends on CGI though goes dirt cheap w/ humor. You do get to see the Justice Society in all of their fancy suits showing off their own super moves. Snazzy Brosnan is the clear stand out, keeping it classy through & through. In the end, it’s not quite how I imagined the revamping of the DCEU would go. A large, loud, & lunkheaded clash of champions that’s a letdown w/ very few cool happenings to get you hyped.


2.5 out of 5 stars

A splendid, star-studded cast w/ a boffo Bale leading the way prevents writer/director Russell’s overstuffed & chaotic madcap mystery romp from fully falling on its face. From a fascinating true story, it spirals out of control as a disputable death evolves into an elaborate conspiracy involving politics, power & the very threat of democracy. Sounds serious but it’s all done using quirky comedic humor & a refreshing dose of optimism. Unfortunately, the poor plotting & Russell’s uneven, convoluted script puts a damper on just about everything, excluding the sublime production design. It’s also annoying having the third act spoon-fed to its audience, insulting us by acting like we’re incapable of comprehending the film’s timely social commentary. We’re all in on love trumping hate, though it’s a shame Russell makes it feel fairly burdensome to watch on-screen.


3.5 out of 5 stars

Story wise…it left me wanting more. But this is still one of the top coolest things MCU has done thus far. With Giacchino behind the camera – it’s visually stirring as an awesome throwback to classic horror of 30s & 40s that’s shot in gorgeous black & white. Cinematography, sound design, & score is MONSTERful!


2 out of 5 stars

Truth be told, Barker’s original horror classic isn’t that amazing. So after seeing director Bruckner’s reboot…not much has changed. Let’s just say if it was a puzzle – it’d be missing a few valuable pieces. Tamer & tiresome, it’s hardly inventive, lacks any real suspense, & is way too long. Even so, Clayton does look cool as the female Pinhead & same goes for the rest of the Cenobites; not to mention, the gnarly body horror is equally impressive & stomach-turning. That should be satisfying enough for the diehard fans of the franchise who’ve seen a whole hell of a lot worse.


3.5 out of 5 stars

Told from a fresh & queer perspective, Eichner & Stoller create a smart, sweet, & funny rom-com that sticks to the classic formula but is simultaneously groundbreaking. Eichner & Macfarlane have fantastic chemistry, too. It’s a bit of a bummer as the movie is at its most hilarious in the first half w/ not too many laugh-out-loud moments after that. There’s also more that could’ve been explored to push the genre it clearly adores even further. But progress is progress & is without a doubt a sizable success for representation.


4 out of 5 stars

Chan-wook, a truly virtuoso filmmaker, honors Hitchcock’s great thrillers in composing this unusually sensual & enigmatically erotic neo-noir about devouring desires & the sacrifice for love. Speaking a love language all their own, Wei & Hae-il are devastatingly seductive while striking up a passionate affair without the words or touch that habitually come w/ it. Accompanied by exquisite cinematography & superb editing – this stylish & sexy romance is riveting, playful, tragic, & darkly comedic. You’re left breathless by the film’s beautifully haunting final moments.


3 out of 5 stars

A disturbing if derivative study of trauma & guilt that’s not particularly surprising or scary, but succeeds in being creepy as hell. The most gripping component is inarguably Bacon’s superb portrayal of a therapist enshrouded in fear & paranoia who can’t escape a ghastly grin that nightmares are made of. And while guilty of dragging on for too long, director Finn uses smart & effective ways to keep us hanging on w/ enough tension & visual thrills to make this a worthy addition to the horror genre.


3.5 out of 5 stars

A sensational debut from writer/director Wells – this is a tender & intimate coming-of-age story of memory & mental health as a daughter attempts to understand who her father was & what he was going through. And that becomes even more complicated now that she’s a parent herself. Mostly told through the eyes of a child approaching adolescence, it’s a bit sluggish so patience is key. Though, when everything comes into focus at the end – the emotional resonance of this sincere, sorrowful journey is eventually felt. Mescal & Corio (in her acting debut) are transcendent together.


3 out of 5 stars

When it comes to this harmless, sweet rom-com – it’s all been done before. It’s safe to assume that without Roberts & Clooney, this wouldn’t get the release it’s receiving. Still, that’s the beauty of movie stars. These two old pros are as natural as can be w/ each other, which is precisely why audiences will eat it up. Additionally, it doesn’t hurt that their talents somewhat distract from a very predictable, unrealistic story & a weak, cheesy script that leaves a lot of laughs on the table. There’s a fair share of setbacks from co-writer/director Parker & crew, yet it’s an overall fun time that has a winning combo w/ its two appealing leads doing what they do best. Their combined star power, charm & chemistry is unparalleled. (Full Review)


3.5 out of 5 stars

Anchored by Galán’s jarring, committed performance, this Spanish revenge horror fuses in unsettling ways the expected bloodshed w/ surprisingly sharp social commentary. With a substantial amount of cruelty & empathy, writer-director Pereda constructs a twisted, traumatic morality tale that’s also an alarming coming-of-age story that feels quite authentic. As viewers bare witness to the physical terror that’s being unfettered – there’s something more complex at play psychologically. As a result of relentless bullying, Galán’s Sara is engulfed by a terribly damaged mind-set, & what unfolds from that is uniquely dark & disconcerting.


4.5 out of 5 stars

I’m pretty sure I have no more tears to shed after watching such a profoundly personal doc from Timoner about the final 2 weeks of her father’s life. Finding that peace of being ready to go on to the next adventure while able to say goodbye before you do is the greatest of gifts. This is an obviously tough though very eloquent affair in family, the measure of success, and legacy. But above all else, it’s about love. What an extraordinarily emotional journey.

Brandon Vick is a member of The Music City Film Critics’ Association and the Southeastern Film Critics Association, the resident film critic of the SoBros Network, and the star of The Vick’s Flicks Podcast. Follow him on Twitter @SirBrandonV and be sure to search #VicksFlicks for all of his latest movie reviews.

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