It’s Here: The 2022 SoBros Network Holiday Gift Guide

Don't hit the stores until you've consulted the definitive guide for your holiday shopping here on SoBros Network.

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It’s hard to believe it, folks. With Halloween in the books, it’s time to shift gears and start focusing on the holidays. Tis the season! It’ll be here before you know it. You might be saying “Stoney, calm down! We just flipped the calendar to November! What about Thanksgiving?” I get it. But, look – if you don’t start planning now, you’re going to be a ball of stress come December. For me, I like to get everything done as soon as possible so that I can just chill for a few weeks before the end of the year. So, that’s why it’s coming early this year – we’re just trying to get you prepared.

Do you have someone in your life that pretty well aligns with us here at SoBros Network? Or, are you a valuable member of our reader base looking for something cool to treat yo self with? Either way, we’ve got you covered with shit we like, so that you can get the people you like the shit they’ll like. LFG.

The 2022 SoBros Network Holiday Gift Guide

Yankee Candlelink – You know I had to do it to you, right? RIGHT?! Unless this is quite literally your first time on SoBros Network dot com, I have no idea why you wouldn’t think I’d have Yankee Candle listed on this holiday gift guide. I’ll do it every single year. You can get your loved ones any old candle….or you can get them the best. Go Yankee Candle. You can never go wrong there.

Molly’s Sweet Shop Facebook page – If you’re the type that likes to give food and snacks as a gift (like me), then stay on top of Molly’s Sweet Shop by following on Facebook to see where they’re going to be set up. The cakes are moist, fantastic, and unique (Sun Drop cake is my favorite). But, if you really want to do something different, go with the holiday spiced Cowboy Candy. I could’ve made myself sick on that stuff it was so good. Molly’s Sweet Shop is worth the drive wherever they’re set up (FYI: they’re in Cookeville tomorrow!).

Danger Zone Video gift cardInstagram – That’s right. Nashville’s favorite physical media shop has something to offer everyone. Not only would a Danger Zone Video gift card rule because you’d be putting an awesome VHS/DVD/book/pack of American Gladiators trading cards in your friend’s hands, but you’re also giving them something different that you can’t get anywhere else.

The Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban: How Alabama’s Coach Became the Greatest Ever by John Talty Amazon – What a fantastic book for the football fan in your life, or the business manager who is interested in honing his/her own version of “The Process.” Talty does a fantastic job of diving into what exactly makes up “The Process” and how it can be applied to our daily lives outside of football. Highly recommend.

Weeny Washer soap barlink – Well….I mean, every dick does need cleaning after all.

Christmas blow moldsWal-Mart – Blow molds are making a huge comeback. I saw some new ones out for Halloween this year, and it looks like Wal-Mart is following suit for Christmas. If you’re looking for a Christmas-themed gift to give out, this is our pick. Get ahead of the comeback trend.

CookbooksTrisha Yearwood’s latest – I love cookbooks as gifts this time of year. Not only are you giving something practical, but you’re encouraging the experience of spending time in the kitchen. I’m recommending Trisha Yearwood’s latest cookbook this year. Trust me – the chicken pot pie burgers and the Nashville hot chicken chili recipes are going to become staples in every household.

Anything from Archie McPheelink – Listen. They don’t say “we make weird” for nothing. There is some truly perplexing shit in their catalog. But, if you’re looking for something beyond the scope of you’re regular old cheesy gag gift, Archie McPhee is the way to go. I love it. What they’re able to come up with never ceases to amaze me.

Boredwalk Shirtswebsite – My absolute favorite t-shirt company on the internet, and the source of the ‘write drunk edit sober’ shirt that I’m wearing in like half of my photos on social media. Boredwalk is the perfect blend of my sense of humor and nihilism.

Trouble Spiritswebsite – Who’s going to be mad about getting some good whiskey, vodka, or gin?! Toss in a smoker, and you’ve got yourself quite the package.

Nashville Blanket Projectwebsite – “For every blanket sold, one is given to a neighbor in need.” Blankets are big this time of year, and really, why not? You can never have too many blankets. With the Nashville Blanket Project though, you can bet you’re actually spreading some holiday cheer to those in need. Double whammy. Not to mention, the blankets are just plain gorgeous.

Also, Owen submitted this idea: “I can offer a free haircut. i’m not good at cutting hair, at all, but it’s free.

Happy holidays, everyone.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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