(Patreon) SoBroetry: Shorties, Vol. 1

Stoney Keeley shares three new poems on the latest installment of SoBroetry.

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Hey, guys! Didn’t really feel it was such good value to throw some of these shorter poems in their own post, so I decided to combine a few of ’em here in ‘Shorties,’ a spinoff of SoBroetry where I’ll pick a few of my…you guessed it…shorter pieces to share.


I think about what I don’t have.
I chase what I don’t have.
I stew over what I don’t have.
And the pain of not having it keeps me awake at night.

I have less and less to give.
Less energy for the chase.
Wearing me down, day by day.
I am a slave to it.

Quiet Time

He sits down at the end of a long hard day, ready for some quiet time
Trying to process the whirlwind of decisions and tasks executed
He wonders why every day feels like a blur now
And, it makes him think of all the things he’d do differently

Then he can’t sleep
It’s natural – to feel like life is out of your control
To wonder what could’ve been
It’s not regret – it’s a yearning for something better
Some displaced sense of self-analysis with no possible outcome

Old hurt comes back
He wonders why he can’t let it go
He wonders if it primed him to make decisions the way he does.
Was he a chicken shit because he was afraid of being trampled again?

He wonders if he’s doing anything meaningful with his life
Do people really care?
Has he done anything worth leaving behind?
What are we even doing here? What good comes from such harrowing mental gymnastics?

The future troubles him
Things he would rather be doing.
How much people should care, but don’t
The things we could do together if we didn’t all keep our heads down milling about our daily routines.

A cog in a machine
A leaf in a stream
Helpless to the conditions we’ve set for ourselves
Aimless in our pursuit

And, he decides maybe he doesn’t enjoy quiet time so much.


I’m here and I’m singing.
I sound like shit, I know.
But, I promise it’s the best I can do.
It’s really compulsion.
Not by design.
Reflecting my spirit.
Vibrant and loud.
Echoing joy.
This moment in time,
I could sink in and stay forever with you.
Yesterday’s worry behind us.
Tomorrow’s anxiety awaiting us on down the road.
These moments have a weird way of imprinting,
and as I have it in my brain,
from the look on your face as each note falls flat,
It’s linked to yours too.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and Minds right, asses tight. Big Natural covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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