Y’all Have My Express Written Permission to Twerk on My Grave in Ya Thongs

You just can't have fun anymore in 2022!

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I don’t know if I can post any photos from this story on this website. We’ve already been flagged as sexual content by the Google bot (I think they saw me in the Tik Tok leggings and called it p*rn), and I have been told that that’s actually not good for our discoverability. I say that’s just the price of doing real hard honest journalism. Sometimes, people get boners for it. Sue me. Nevertheless, we have some real hard journalism to do here today, folks. Apparently, there’s been an uproar because Amanda Nicole Martin put on her thong and decided to have a photoshoot at a graveyard and apparently that is disrespectful.

Courtesy of the NYPost:

A Las Vegas Playboy model aroused ire online after a scandalous Halloween showcase that saw her twerk and grind on gravestones while wearing nothing but a thong. Photos and footage of her sordid striptease are currently going viral as gawkers accuse her of disrespecting the dead.

People just hate fun these days. You can’t do anything anymore. Are any of those people in those graves even going to know this was going on? Was it worth it for all the joy that this photo shoot brought people (not me – I didn’t look, of course)? Probably. Cemeteries are so in right now anyway. They make for great backdrops for social media posts. Also, we assume too much of the dead. We don’t know those fucking people – they may not deserve our respect. We don’t know (also, that’s just a joke in case any ghosts are reading this – we should always respect the dead).

When I’m gone, I’ll tell y’all what, everyone can come out in they bras and thongs and twerk on my grave. I won’t care. If anyone’s going to appreciate doing it for the content, it’s going to be me. Y’all can actually open up my grave and twerk on my corpse for all I care. Hell, get my skeleton out and pose my dead ass. That’s the kind of energy I’m trying to leave behind when I’m gone. Ain’t no way I’m going to be mad about it. Let the record state that.

Y’all can check out Amanda’s Instagram if you want to. I have no idea what it’s like because I didn’t look because I’m married I swear honey if you’re reading this I would never.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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