Patreon: The Books I Read in 2022

Catch a random book rec from Stoney's list of the stuff he read this past year!

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A day late and a dollar short, no doubt. But, I’m here passing along my reading list from the year that was nonetheless. If you’re looking to try something new, might I recommend one of the following works that I read in 2022?

The Books I Read in 2022

Not Like You, Vol. 1 by E Young – listen to E on the Nashville Creator Series – I love E’s work, and I’m still waiting on Not Like You, Vol. 2 to come out. E’s stories tap into so many feelings that it makes for a rollercoaster of a read, and I love the sci-fi, fantasy, and cosmic horror aspects within.

The Toynbee Convector by Ray Bradbury – SoBros Book Club – Y’all don’t need me to tell you what a literary giant Bradbury’s work is. It’s all of the hallmarks of a good Bradbury story – pulpy, emotional sprinkled with a little sci-fi, horror, and heart-wrenching love. The Laurel and Hardy Love Affair remains as one of my favorite short stories to date

Deathlok 2014, Vol. 1 and Deathlok 2014, Vol. 2full review – Deathlok is one of those characters that I knew very little about before stumbling upon this graphic novel in the Books-A-Million, but this was a fun little introduction. The story eventually ran out of steam, and I didn’t particularly care for the ending. But, there are certainly worse ways to spend a lazy Sunday afternoon!

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho – My wife and I listened to this on the way home from our wedding shower in New Jersey, and I found it to be an uplifting story shrouded in that mythical fable feel. I was stoked to find a copy at a local book store not long after we returned from our trip. So, this one’s now sitting on a shelf in my book case. 

The Lombardi Rules by Vince Lombardi, Jr. – This is such a quick and easy read that you really can’t help yourself if you’re a football fan or a fan of studying leaders. Some of this was the hokey corporate-speak….you know…the stuff they say in business meetings that make all of us roll our eyes. If you just do these things, you can be rich and successful too! That aspect of it did make me cringe, but somewhere in this book is a story about a son who adores his father and summarizes the characteristics of the man who achieved so much in the NFL. 

Bullseye 2017, Vol. 1full review – I get the criticisms of this story, because it is rather simple….it does sort of feel like “let’s drop Bullseye into Narcos” or something like that. But, I love the character, and they got it right by giving him a bit of a profile without crowding the story with other Marvel characters. A nice, digestible with great artwork. I’m not listening to the haters on this one. 

The Leadership Secrets of Nick Saban by John Talty – full review coming soon to SoBros Network dot com – Talty carefully tackles the legacy of Alabama head football coach Nick Saban through the lens of how his process can impact leadership in the real world. It’s a masterful, well-cited work.

Best New Poets, 2011 – I had no idea this was a thing, but I guess they’re putting this bad boy out every year! I loved it. Found it for 75 cents at McKay’s in Chattanooga on my mini-moon with the wife back in May. The format is great for just scooping it up and reading the stray poem here and there. Some of the work within had a profound impact on me, and that’s such a cool fucking thing to experience in exchange for just three measly quarters.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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