I sit here after a nice night and a big meal at Nectar: Urban Cantina out in Donelson. It’s always nice to get out on a week night and break up the monotony of the work week. I haven’t been to Donelson in a minute…not by choice…just…y’know…I never leave the house. But, I’m reminded of what Donelson used to be back in the day compared to what it is becoming, and what it will continue to become as long as creatives, entrepreneurs, and restaurateurs continue to provide outlets for citizens of the area. A few years ago, I wrote that Donelson was beginning to buzz with the same spirit that once captured East Nashville. I still feel that today, and that’s in part because of shops like Retro Vibe Vintage and Gifts opening up in the area.
I came across the Retro Vibe instagram page awhile ago. But, when I saw a particular post with some store keys, I thought, “waitaminuteholup there’s going to be a store?!” Every post after that, I kept anxiously awaiting the news of when the shop would open up. I’d see glasses with matching ash trays. Some wall art with two panthers coddling beneath the light of a full moon. Every time, I’m like “oh shit – this is going to rule.” Then, out of nowhere, I get an invite to a preview party! I’m stoked – my wife is working, so I call up my mother, who has been known to venture off to vintage and antique stores from time to time in her retirement, and I say, “I’ve got a new spot for you and your friend to stop by on your random Tuesday excursions.” She’s on board. So, we hopped in the car and made way for Donelson.
Julie runs the shop at Retro Vibe, and to put it quite simply, the vibes are on point. Her hard work was evident in a well-organized boutique shop that was decorated with fun spirit brimming from every table and shelf, but spacious enough for a 6’2″ 280-pound sasquatch man to navigate with ease.

We came across so many relics of the past, things that reminded me of my childhood, and things that we just haven’t seen in years. There’s an entire shelf of Opryland stuff (pictured above). I’m a sucker for Opryland stuff. It took everything in me to not just buy it all and create a shrine to Opryland in my office. I saw some old Six Flags Over Georgia stuff. I saw an old Hardee’s mug that reminded me of my youth, when Hardee’s was a treat on Saturday morning because it was all the way across Mount Juliet from Gladeville, and we rarely made that trip. Too far when you can get good sausage biscuits at Suggs Creek General Store, I suppose! My mother pointed out an old Florida ash tray that you used to see all the time in the little gift shops that lined Panama City Beach. Growing up here in Nashville, and remembering all of the popular vacation destinations from back in the day, I couldn’t help but be reminded of my history in a way…just standing there in this shop! It was like a time machine. There was a table of jewelry…a Prince mantle that I know Steven McCash would’ve loved…some hilarious stickers…magnets that drew that 90s nostalgia out of me…the mystery balls….a lot of fun stuff.
There’s a great scene of local shops out east of town. Retro Vibe will certainly add to it. There’s a big grand opening on April 1st from 10AM-5PM. Daddy’s Dogs is going to be there, and you know how much we all love Daddy’s Dogs. Make arrangements to get there and check it out. Head on down to Rick’s Comic City while you’re at it. Have some beers at TennFold or Homegrown. Have some coffee from Caliber Coffee if you’re not into the hard stuff. Spend an afternoon out here and see what this part of town is all about.
Y’all know I couldn’t come home without something off the Opryland shelf pic.twitter.com/gXOq1fWe5H
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) March 9, 2023
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Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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