We haven’t caught up with Brett Ison since we interviewed him during his jam packed SCI weekend. With so much taking place since, and with a lot on his docket the next few weeks, I wanted to check in with The Pitbull to see where his head is at. Spoiler alert: he’s ready to finish this year out much like he entered…on top.
Mose: We talked about your match with Matt Tremont during our SCI podcast but we recorded prior to Night 2. I’ve gotta ask: what was it like locking up with B-Boy again?
Brett: Surreal. To lock up with your hero twice in a year’s time is something I never thought would happen. We just have a chemistry in the ring together that I haven’t come across with anyone else yet.
M: Moving ahead to the most recent SUP show, you battled three BAMFs and came out with the win. What was the atmosphere like in that four way with Shay, Drake and Henry? What were your thoughts when you saw Shay throw you a bit of an assist during the pin?
B: My back was against a wall. Three men I know are killers. I believe when I say this, Shay will agree, that as long as one of the SUP crew walked out with the W and championship, that’s what mattered the most in the end. We weren’t gonna let them walk in and disrespect our company. Disrespect our home.
M: So, you defend your Bonestorm title in an absolute war only for AC Mack to sneak in and kick you in the dick. When you realized what was going on, what was going through your mind?
B: This guy thinks he’s untouchable. He’s DEAD wrong, though.
M: It’s official – you will be defending the Bonestorm Championship against Mack on Oct. 6. What are you expecting? Will you prepare any different?
B: Everything Mack has done in SUP, I have already done it. Kick people in the dick. Hit people with chairs. I did that before Mack was even on SUP’s radar. I laid out the perfect blueprint to get where you want to go in SUP. Most of my victims from the past, were my friends… AC Mack is not.
I’m expecting Mack to do everything the easy way. For me, it’s the same every day of life. Kill or be killed.
M: The more pressing business for now is your KAPOW debut this Saturday. You’re heading to Knoxville to face Myron Reed. I know you’ve been looking forward to this match, but what is it about fighting Myron that has you excited? He’s a different kind of challenge. What should we expect from The Pitbull when the bell rings Saturday night?
B: A few years back in Tullahoma, at SWF, David Morton and myself were booked agaisnt The Brotherhood which is Myron Reed and Mickey. Solid match, but I knew after being in the ring with Myron that this kid was going to be special. He was just good right from the jump and I dare say my feeling was correct. I mean look at what he’s done and is continuing to do.
I’m excited to face Myron because there is something about being able to compete with top talent of the world. I can’t get that every match. It happens more so today vs. the past, but it’s like the Limitless (movie) reference I’ve hit you with before.
I’m focused. And coming into KAPOW to prove a point to the company, the locker room, the fans and Myron Reed.
M: Your debut for KAPOW has gotten some buzz from a few saying you’re being ‘handed’ a title shot. It sounds ridiculous to those that know the reign you’re on, but what did you think when you started seeing some of those posts?
B: These mother fuckers are delusional. They don’t get it. You don’t get to play wrestler only on the weekends. If that’s what you wanna do, say just you’re a hobbyist and pro wrestling is your hobby – not your profession. This doesn’t stop when Monday rolls around. This is an everyday thing.
M: You’ve also got a huge tag title match up at Paradigm in a couple of weeks. The Death Dealers are back as you and ‘Slick’ Willy Brewer take on Bobby Beverly and Matthew Justice. How will you and Willy prepare for that kind of challenge as both of you have been focused more on singles competition the last few months?
B: I’ve already faced both of The Lifers in singles, but we are gonna go into it and show why we were one of the reasons SWF was a destination for so many wrestlers over the past five years. We are gonna let the PPW fans see our brand of tag team wrestling and The Lifers can expeirence it firsthand.
M: With a hell of a 2019 nearly in your rear view, is there anything else you’re chasing before the year ends?
B: I still want The Mad King. I want Eddie Kingston.
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John Mosley is the independent wrestling correspondent of the SoBros Network. He graduated from ETSU with a degree in Radio, TV and Film along with a minor in Film Studies. Since graduating he’s done pretty much nothing but watch, film, edit or commentate for local wrestling promotions and is the current color commentator for Resolute Wrestling. #Preds #Titans #DefendOrVacateConor Follow on Twitter: @SoBroMose.
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