Let’s admit it, the indulgence of marijuana has become far more acceptable in the past few years. Some partake, others don’t care if you toke, and fewer people are remaining opposed to it.
Here at SoBros, we don’t judge. Hell, some of us may even join in. But if there’s one thing we can all get down on together…it’s food.
Not just any food, but rather the most satisfying munchie food. And you know we couldn’t let this green holiday pass without sharing our favorite go-to snacks and unique creations. Check out some of our team’s favorite munchies below.
I’ll start by sharing my personal specialty. I call it the Hawaiian Smash. The product of my teenage years, this go-to munchie is a combination of marshmallow cream & peanut butter, spread across two chunks of Hawaiian bread. And if you’re feeling spunky, sprinkle a few Doritos Cool Ranch chips in between. This provides a perfect mix of sweet and salty that satisfies that munchie craze…..in my professional opinion at least.
SoBro Mose has brought the sweetness of recommending some candy bacon. You might be asking what that is, and don’t worry, I’ll tell you. It’s freaking maple bacon covered in brown sugar. Yes. Just yes.
And last, but not least, our fearless leader SoBro BigNatural says to keep it simple. Microwave yourself some delicious chicken nuggets and pig out! Prep the ranch or BBQ sauce for dip, and you’re set for a night in.
So for any of you who plan to partake in some Bud Stuff, I hope this quick munchie reference guide helps you prepare for when the hunger strikes. And please remember, if you can’t or shouldn’t cook….just order a pizza for delivery. You can never, ever, ever go wrong with a fresh pie.
Cadbury Pringlebatch is the Lead Motorcycle Expert, Investment Analyst, and Travel Blogger for The SoBros Network, but knows a little bit about everything. Known for frequenting Nashville YMCA steam rooms, he’s a firm believer that winning football is produced by moving the chains, and became a SoBro after mistaking one of our podcasts for an AA meeting. Follow on Twitter: @SoBroCadbury
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Image courtesy of Christian Allard on Unsplash!