I’m Getting Married – Out of Office ’til June

The SoBros Network team is taking its collective foot off the gas for the next two weeks to celebrate and enjoy some time off with friends and family.

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After nearly two years of engagement, our big day is finally upon us. This Saturday, I’m finally marrying the woman I’ve made wait for 12 years. Yep – 12 years together this August…just now getting married. Throw your shade at me. I accept it. I’ve accepted it for years. But, I’ll say this – when you know it’s ‘forever,’ there’s really no reason to rush. Aura and I have shared so much, accomplished so much, and lived through so much that it feels like we’ve already been married for years. There’s a comfort in that – I feel like I’ve found my home. But, none of you strangers on the internet need to know that. In fact, I’m only really writing this post so that you guys know what’s going on.

I’m taking my foot off the gas a bit – we have friends and family in town from all over the country, and I intend to enjoy every second I can with them. The universe doesn’t often allow our paths to cross in this way, so I intend to take full advantage of it. I’d like to think I’ve earned that with all of the work I’ve put in, but that’s neither here nor there. Point is….I’m stepping out of the office. I’ll probably still check in because I’m addicted to this shit. But, my plan is to take some real time off. As for what you can expect in the next two weeks, I have some “best of” stuff scheduled. I have written new evergreen content to release over my absence. It’s not like I’m walking away forever, y’know? I just made that joke on Twitter a few weeks ago that one day I would just disappear from the internet without saying a word and no one would ever know. Because of that, I didn’t want anyone to worry in case I’m not as active as usual.

Lastly, there’s a lot that goes on behind the scenes of SoBros Network that you guys don’t see. We have a strong support system from our partners, so in honor of this occasion and celebration of love, I gave the rest of the SoBros team the opportunity to share just how special their partners are to them. Here’s who got back to me:

Brittany Fernandez: “I’m lucky enough to have the most supportive partner in the world. Jesse has taught me so many things about the world, and about myself.  He makes me belly laugh everyday, and I am constantly in awe of him. I love our little space in the world we’ve carved out together.  With him, every day is Halloween.

Outdoor SoBro: “My wife is literally the glue holding our ship together.  I admire her discipline, tenacity, and love she has for our family and others.  But don’t try to interrupt her sleep, because she will bite your head off.

Rooster: “Carter is kind, considerate, smart, and funny. He keeps me grounded, reminds me not to take things too seriously, and is a great cook. Being with him has always been easy and I now know what it feels like to be in a supportive and equal partnership. You know, I just feel like I manifested him in the same way that Megan Fox manifested MGK.

Steven McCash:

Brandon Vick: “My wife is a sensational teacher, and even though she doesn’t find me that funny – when I do make her laugh…it’s the best! She cares and loves very deeply and I’m very much looking forward to spending the rest of our days together while watching movies that I know she won’t like and will probably fall asleep during but pretend she didn’t.”

Me (Stoney): “I can’t imagine a life without Aura – she gives me an anchoring, steadying presence when I am stressed out and running hot. She’s always there when I need her. Life is comfortable, and in that, I feel a genuine sense of companionship. To see and love someone that cares so much restores my faith in humanity sometimes. It is a different kind of love – one that 12 years together and counting will conjure. But, I’ll tell you that it’s the deepest love I’ve ever felt in my life and I’m grateful for her every day.”

Have a good couple of weeks, y’all. See you on the other side.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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