Like it or not, AI is coming for all of our asses. I don’t want to get too dark here on SoBros Network this afternoon because I like to think we’re a rare bright spot on the internet that genuinely tries to make everyone’s day better. But, human existence is about to suck. Again, not trying to be gloomy, but I don’t know how else to say it. I can’t tell what’s real or not anymore. I’m constantly trying to decipher the difference between real life and AI to the point that I’ll look out my window and wonder if the deer in my backyard are actually AI. Are we all living in a simulation? I think one way or another, that’s actually probably pretty likely. Anyway, that’s a different discussion for a different day.
My point here today is that the ramifications of what AI could mean for our capitalistic society are pretty harrowing…not to mention the safety and security concerns. It’s only a matter of time before we’re I, Roboting up in this piece. Like everything else, you can choose to see the silver lining in things, though. I may paint a picture of doom and apocalypse, but there can still be some good that comes out of it. Take this guy who generated some primo Twitter content by asking AI to freshen up the current NFL mascots. Twitter user GG “asked AI to reimagine all 32 NFL mascots and that may have been a serious mistake.” Take a look at the results of GG’s exercise for the AFC South, and the robotic Power Ranger villain-esque creation born for our beloved Tennessee Titans.
AFC South:
— GG (@GarryGates) May 1, 2023
I love it so much. What’s one face when you could have two?!?!
Now, do the Titans actually need a new mascot? No. HELL no. T-Rac is the king of the mascots if you ask me. But, maybe we could get T-Rac a friend. You know…we’re all going through it these days. Living is hard. Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a helping hand to clean up your duties every day? Well, I’m sure T-Rac is no different. He could stand to have a helping hand with all of his mascot duties.
Or, we could go the inverse route and make this two-faced robot a literal villain that tries to foil T-Rac’s plan. Why would one team have a good mascot and an evil mascot? I don’t know. Professional envy? Don’t we all have that one co-worker who we secretly want to best even though we both work for the same company? Both T-Rac and Titbot (that’s what I’ve named him) love and support the Titans but they just keep getting in each other’s way.
This is what AI was actually invented for if you ask me. This is what it can do when it comes to making society a better place. There’s too much confusing and downright frightening implications with AI…we need more reimagined mascots.
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Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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