I’ve created a couple of characters for skits on SoBros Network. I know a lot of people look at our brand and probably think it’s digital schizophrenia. But, it’s part of my vision for what we can ultimately be – good writing, funny content, and creative shit. I always wanted to add some SNL-style skits to the SoBros content stream, but the reality is that that stuff takes time and focus. So, it’s hard to find the time to do it when we’re doing a million other things.
Ultimately, I’d love to build out the SoBros YouTube channel as its own sort of entertainment channel. We’ll get there one day – that, or I’m just a raging lunatic whose vision is too big for the resources he has. *shrugs* – anyway, I have actually succeeded in getting a couple of my characters into SoBros Network content – Oliver Shumpert of the SoBros Consumer Report, and the character I’m writing about today, Ticklebits.
The whole premise of Ticklebits is that this hillbilly is trying to go viral because he wants the execs at Family Feud to see him and bring him and his wife onto the show. So, he does all this dumb shit that he’s seen go viral with the hopes that he’ll go viral, too. I did a couple of early episodes with no costume just to see how it would translate. But, I could see the positive response, thought this character might stick, and decided to go all in on it. I mean, any creator knows that if you’re going to introduce a new character to the brand, it has to have its own unique look. So, I gave him his signature cowboy hat and red flannel shirt and we were off to the races. Today, I wanted to share what I feel are the best episodes I’ve done with this character.
My personal favorite Ticklebits skits
Fryin’ eggs – Ticklebits attempts to fry an egg on the ground because it’s really hot in the summer time and he’s seen news reports fry an egg on the ground a million times on TV in the summer time.
Opinel knife review – I actually legit love this knife, and constructed the way that it is, felt like it was the perfect product review video for Ticklebits to do.
“Straight Tequila Night” cover – I actually worked on this for hours, the premise being that Ticklebits thinks he can sing just like John Anderson. I’ve been working on my John Anderson impression in the shower for as long as I can remember.
Learnin’ to throw a football – This thing currently has 17,700 hits on Tik Tok, so I feel like I just have to mention it here.
Life hacks – This one was a lot of fun to make…just thinking of the stupidest and most useless life hacks possible and putting ’em into practice.
I mostly just make myself laugh, but hopefully, I’ve been able to make a few of you guys laugh along the way too.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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