Recapping Our Awesome Halloween 2023 Coverage

Stoney Keeley recaps all of the fun Halloween-themed content the SoBros Network team came up with this Spooky Season. Happy Halloween!

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It’s hard to believe that another year has passed. I know I say it every year, but man, time marches on. This is always my favorite time of the year for a myriad of reasons. But, chief among them is that it seems to be when we, as a team, put out our most creative stuff. I don’t know why. I don’t know if we’re all just getting in on the festivities and bringing our A game or what. But, every year, I grow more and more intrigued by how this team puts out Spooky Season content, and how we seem to find a way to top the year before. So, without further ado, let’s hit this year’s recap of more fun and unique SoBros Network Halloween coverage.

Halloween 2023

  • 31 Days Of Foreign Horror Films (2023) – McCash kicked us off with a full month-long guide to watching foreign horror films this year!
  • Review: ‘Spooktacular!’ Is A Fascinating Time Capsule For The Fans Of Spooky World – He followed that up with a review of Spooktacular!, a film that shows the rise and fall of the annual event that many believed gave birth to the Halloween themed events seen across the country every year at theme parks like Universal, Six Flags, and Knott’s Berry.
  • (Patreon) The Movie Review Rewind Podcast: Nosferatu – Yes…that 101-year old movie that we should’ve talked about last year when it turned 100….Brandon and I watched it for the first time and then kicked off a run of Spooky Season inspired episodes of The Movie Review Rewind Podcast on Patreon.
  • Steven McCash interviewed Eduardo Sanchez – With Satanic Hispanics dropping about a month ago, McCash had the chance to sit down and chat about the flick with one of its directors, Eduardo Sanchez.
  • The SoBros Fall Beer Tasting – Our buddy Pat Artus of The Quick Sixer Podcast stopped by to drink some Oktoberfests and pumpkin beers with us. This one is a good time and a half every single year we do it!
  • Drinking With…28 Days Later – It’s a movie that has developed a bit of a cult status throughout the years, and after watching it for the first time this Spooky Season, I can see why.
  • (Patreon) The Movie Review Rewind Podcast: Queen of the Damned – As I told Brittany on this podcast, there’s a good chance that if I had seen this for the first time in 2002, I would’ve thought it was the greatest movie of all time.
  • Phone It In on the Men In Black – Every time I share this podcast, I’m afraid I’m going to get a knock at my door some time within the next week or so….
  • (Patreon) Stoney Sees: Blade – I got so damn sick and tired of y’all telling me these were good movies that I wrote a whole ass thousand words on why I hate it so much.
  • Drinking With…Resident Evil – Well, I remember this one being fun when I was a teenager. In 2023? Not so much. Still, there’s plenty to dig into and you can’t help but respect the hustle of how many of these movies were made. Even more so, the money they raked in to boot.
  • (Patreon) The Movie Review Rewind Podcast: Freaky – McCash joined me on this episode to relive a covid movie that just might’ve slipped through the cracks on your Spooky Season viewing plan, but is definitely worth seeking out because it’s fun enough to be a regular in the rotation.
  • Drinking With…Jason X – While this episode was certainly fun to sit in on, I never saw that movie and still haven’t at the time of this writing. Maybe this will be a good spot for another Stoney Sees column on Patreon! Nonetheless, Brittany and McCash had some fun discussing what many consider to be the most polarizing film in the franchise.
  • Fiction: Battlefield New Mexico – Ryan’s work always delivers with an attention to atmosphere and detail, and while this story might not be considered outright horror like his work on The Widow’s Mountain (linked below), it touches on the borders of high strangeness enough for me to include it here. Enjoy!
  • (Patreon) The Movie Review Rewind Podcast: Scooby-Doo – Is it a summer movie? Or, is it a Spooky Season movie? These are the important questions that Brittany and I addressed on this fun episode of The Movie Review Rewind Podcast.
  • Phone It In: Creepy Reddit Stories, Vol. 4 – Another year of finding the weirdest and most frightening supposedly allegedly true stories from the bowels of Reddit for Rooster and me on Phone It In!
  • (Patreon) SoBros Poetry Moment: Monster Mash – Augustus Buckworth conducted a dramatic reading of this classic work on another thoughtful and contemplative SoBros Poetry Moment.
  • Spooky Season Viewing For Comic Book Fans – There’s an interesting genre of…like…I don’t know how else to describe it…”comic book horror.” So, I made a list of some of my favorite flicks that borrow vibes from the comic book world to check out in case you haven’t already.
  • (Patreon) SoBroetry: The Bird – I’m a huge Edgar Allan Poe fan. His work shaped my appreciation for the strange at bizarre at an early age (and it likely gave me nightmares). That won’t surprise any of you who have read some of my short fiction! So, after watching The Fall of the House of Usher in one evening and feeling particularly inspired, I decided to do a SoBros style reimagining of one of his most famous works.
  • Drinking With…The Ring – The annual Halloween eve eve eve live stream! This year, we broadcast LIVE from Danger Zone Video out in Mount Juliet!
  • (Patreon) The Movie Review Rewind Podcast: Bram Stoker’s Dracula – Man, what a trippy movie. It was the perfect way to cap off a fun season of podcasts on The Movie Review Rewind Podcast. Brandon and Sean joined me for an in-depth discussion on the style and the creative choices that were made in this classic.


Catch up on years past if you’re feeling particularly spooky and want to go down that big time SoBros Network rabbit hole:

Happy Halloween, folks!

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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Image courtesy of Sabina Music Rich on Unsplash!

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